Friday, April 24, 2009

go sox

I love Fridays.  Just wanted to throw that out there. 

My day: I intended to try a spinning class this morning, but by the time I was done with Abby's morning routine, the class had already started.  So, I decided to try another group class later.  I got dressed, got my shoes on, got my things together and went to wake Kyle before I left.  Somehow, I managed to get Kyle up while putting myself to sleep.  I woke up 2.5 hours later from the best nap ever.  I guess I needed it. I did go down and do some cardio later - so that's better than nothing. 

Kyle won a scholarship from the MA chapter of the National Federation of the Blind ( I think that's their name) So, as part of the deal, he has to go to a conference this weekend.  They present him his award tomorrow night at a banquet - until then, he doesn't know what he's won.  Sooo, this afternoon, we drove an hour out towards the middle of Massachusetts and dropped dad off.  

It was a gorgeous day.  Just beautiful.  I opened the balcony door and just let the breezes blow through the apartment.  While I was driving back home, I took the scenic route through some nearby neighborhoods.  I love looking at houses - especially these big beautiful houses.  I love Arkansas - but I swear, they just don't make houses like these down there.  Huge, unique, well decorated, magazine houses.  Not to mention the neighborhoods are enough to make Wisteria Lane jealous.  I mean, they're almost so picturesque that it hurts.   I just drove and drove through the winding roads, enjoying the sunshine and the blooms, and daydreaming to myself of owning a house one day.  I'll never own one like these, but it's oh so fun to imagine.  

It's kinda strange to be home alone.  I know he's only going to be gone for 2 days, but I kinda miss him anyway.  Ummm - scratch "kinda" out of the last sentence.  

Anyway, today we took a few pictures just for the fun of it. I'm a few weeks late for the opening of baseball season - but we thought we'd break out the sox gear anyway.  She still doesn't fit into the onsie part of this get up - but, lemmetellyou, daddy Loves that she has her own baseball. 
go sox!

Here's Abs showing off her finger preferences

gotta love gummy grins

The outfit comes with these cute little booties...

...not that they had any hope of actually staying on.


Cari said...

You don't understand how much my husband loves this post. He LOVES the Red Sox, but I think you know that since I had you send me a newspaper after they won the World Series. When we have a baby, I will have to send you some money to go on a baby Boston shopping spree for us!! :)

Abs is really growing up!

jennybee said...

I love that her head is about the size of the baseball.

Jessica said...

Spinning classes are my very favorite...

And go Mariners! :P

Billie Jo said...

I'm sooo glad you bought those jeans. She's gotten so much good wear out of them!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "spinning classes?


