Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Some days, I just don't have much to write home about.  On days like these, I often wrestle with the decision of what to do.  Do I not write anything and risk falling out of habit? Or do I just fill up space for no real reason?

Today, option B wins.  

I'm feeling much better today.  My fever and flu symptoms went away overnight and I'm quite thankful for that.  I'm going to contribute my quick recovery to the blue gatorade and the caring husband.  :)  Our friend Mary deserves a shout out too though - she came over to babysit so that I could sleep (she's seriously an angel - I've seen the halo)  Thus far, Kyle and Abigail seem to be perfectly fine and I'm hoping that they continue to be so.

Kyle and I are becoming addicted to HGTV.  The home shows.  It's like discovering a whole new world of television.  Since all of our regular dramas and sitcoms are mostly over for the summer, we've been filling in our TV time with shows like "my first home" "what you get for the money" and "house hunters"  I'm actually learning a good bit about buying homes - although that step in our lives is too far away to accurately visualize. It's nice to imagine though.

Abigail has started playing peek-a-boo with us.  About a week ago we started teaching her how to grab a cloth off of her face.  This is one of those milestone skills that I didn't know about until I had a baby.  Previous to learning the skill, if you covered her face with a cloth, she would flail her arms wide open and gasp over and over until you took it off - when you would see her red eyebrows and nose.  But, after just about 10 mins of working with her one day, Kyle and I were pleased to see that she grasped that skill well (no pun intended).  Now, she likes to grab a cloth and cover her own face.  Then, she'll grab it and yank it off, look at you and either laugh or give you a big smile.  It's pretty cute. You can just tell that as soon as she can see, she is searching for your expression.

This is day 3 of the 12 week summer challenge.  So far, so good.  I even passed on oatmeal cookies and chips offered to me at work today.  I'm slacking a bit in the workout count for the week on account of being sick, but I think I'll have time to meet my minimum still.  

Oh, one more shout out here.  My friend Billie Jo attended her last class as a student - possibly ever.  Meaning, she is wrapping up her doctoral work at the University of Oregon.  She still has to complete an internship, but she has worked SO hard over the past 4 years and I'm SO proud of all she has accomplished.  She makes me want to go back to school. :)  But, I think I make her want to have kids - so we're even.  ;-)  Seriously though - Billie Jo, I'm so happy for you.  

All righty, Kyle is pumped about watching the USA soccer team play tonight and is pining away for some sort of game time food to enhance his game watching experience.  So, I'm off to be creative I suppose.  Talk to ya later. 


Heather said...

I love your new heading. Do you create your own from scratch or do you use the template ones? Just curious.

Glad you are feeling better!

Billie Jo said...

Glad I could support your "filling of space for no real reason." I can't believe it's done...mostly! ;-) These blogs actually end up being some of my favorites. That's my goal for the summer... filling up posts with no real information. Are you gonna come see us or are we going there?

Anonymous said...

I love Abigail's new headline picture. It's wonderful that you are well again.
I, too, am in awe of Billie Jo's accomplishment.
Can't wait to see you Sunday.

Love ya,


Yvonne A said...

Glad you're feeling better. And I'm glad you have people to count on, ever so far away from us.

Jean had hooked me on HGTV, too. I am fascinated and sometimes horrified, especially by that show Renovation Realities. It reminds me of Don and Robert plastering in the living room. And that sends chills down my spine!

