I have tons of pictures of course - many many more than I can post here. All in all, we've had a pretty good day.
Any day that Abby lets me sleep in is a good day. I woke up at 7:30am and she wasn't up yet. Of course, she woke up minutes later, but it was nice to wake up on my own clock. No alarm, no baby monitor. So, we got up together and played for a while before making breakfast.
We decided to make a good halloween breakfast for daddy. We made pancakes - but since Kyle only likes pancakes with stuff in them, we made chocolate chip pancakes with some chocolate sprinkles thrown in for good measure. Then we topped them with icing. Some caramel coffee made the combo perfecto. Abby had a plain pancake and loved it. ...ok, ok, I *might* have let her have a little of a chocolate pancake. It's Halloween, sue me.
After breakfast was ready, Abby got her costume on. Cutest three-eyed monster on the block. We decided that it was the best way to wake up daddy today. We had a good laugh with all the "eye" jokes in the house this week. Y'know, "one for daddy, one for me, one for...oh...umm, yeah, 2 more for me" ;-)

We all had a good time playing for a while and eventually Abby went down for her nap and I got some cleaning done around the house. I discovered that a mall down the street was having a trick-or-treat type thing for kids and we decided that it might be fun to take Abs. So, when she woke up, we loaded our little monster in the car and we headed to the mall.
Now, obviously, Abby isn't going to be eating any candy this year - but it was fun to see all the other kids dressed up and she collected a lot of stickers and such.
Here she is trying to decide which stickers she wants
And another of us - she only looked up for a second, she was otherwise completely mesmorized by the candy colors.

It started getting close to another nap time, so a few more errands and we all headed home. My camera was dying anyway. We snapped a few more monster pictures before heading inside to put her down again. She was much more concerned with her feet not touching the leaves - this was the only shot I could get of her looking up . kids.
More housework got done as well as some procrastination while Abby slept. She had a good nap and woke up still a little groggy. Unfortunately, we had limited daylight left and I still had to get pictures of her second costume!
So, I wisked her away and into her cow costume and outside. She really wasn't in the mood for a photo shoot. She spent most of her time picking up and dropping the pumpkins and destroying leaves (she really likes to tear them into a million pieces - Kyle does the same thing with mail, maybe its genetic?)
Not in the mood, can you tell? :o) Regardless, I really love this picture

She perked up a bit when I gave her the pumpkins to play with.

I decided to move to the back yard.
Here's Abby tasting a leaf that she's torn into tiny pieces
So we move again, to the front porch. She eventually perked up quite a bit out here - although she did this trance thing whenever a car would drive by or somebody would walk by the house. She's such an observer.
Here she is feeling a little happier. She's also been crawling a lot today. Maybe it's the costumes? I dunno - but I'm glad she didn't try to drag herself on the wood.

After pictures, we came in and it was time for dinner. Kyle and I cleaned some more and decided to spluge and order wings for dinner (mmm) Abby was in a really good mood after dinner - she was all over the place and super happy. We all had a lot of fun playing together. Abby loves for us to "chase" her. It's hilarious - she knows she's going to get caught. She knows she can't outrun us. But it doesn't keep her from trying - the whole time terrified that we're going to catch her. Oh, it's so much fun.
Here's a little video of that.
(you'll have to excuse Abby's "outfit" her snaps broke on her onsie, and we didn't feel like changing her right before PJs)
We let Abby stay up a little later than usual in an attempt to make the time change more manageable (yeah, right). Our food was over an hour late, but it got here. This is my first Halloween with no costume since...forever? I thought I would be more sad - but I had such a fun time being Abby's mom today, that I didn't even think about costumes and parties. I got to be the mom passing out candy from her front door - and I've actually enjoyed seeing all the kids in costumes come by.
So, I guess I'm growing up - but it's a good thing.
Happy Halloween!