Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

So we had a pretty nice Valentine's Day yesterday. It was low key, and in many ways, not much different than a typical Sunday for us...more on that later.

Abby and I got up early as usual and spent some time playing before breakfast which was fun. I put this ridiculously large bow on her head, and she was less than amused. Paired with her shirt that says "smile!" this picture makes me laugh.

"mom. are you serious?"

Abby is getting into dipping things -so for breakfast, I gave her some french toast sticks and some yogurt to dip them in. She loved it. However, after she was done dipping, she just started eating the yogurt with her hands. When I turned around, she was a complete mess, but was loving every second of it. :) After breakfast, we decided to make daddy a special Valentine's day gift.

I gave Abby her crayons, and she spent about 15 mins making a picture for her daddy. She did it all by herself, so y'know, it's pretty special. :) We have it on our fridge now, and I'm pretty sure I'll keep it forever.

We woke up Kyle and let him open his goodie bag of candy and pictures and colorings and other odds and ends from the wife and daughter and then we let Abby open up her stuff. We got her some crayons, bubbles, a couple of big girl cups, some bracelets and a ring pop.
I was kinda excited about letting Abby try the ring pop - she's never had any kind of sucker candy before. Really, she's only had half a hershey kiss as far as candy goes. Of course she loved it. She kept saying "mmm!" and smacking her lips.

Kyle spent some time with Abby blowing bubbles and she loved that. But afterwards, her hair was soaked from all the bubbles and was sticking up kinda funny.

So, after all our morning activities were over, it was time for Abby's nap. She took a nice long nap and then we all got ready to go shopping. Every few months, we make a big shopping trip to a town about 20 mins away where we do our bulk item shopping and there's a babies r us and a walmart, so we stock up on stuff we need. So, it wasn't really a special trip, but a needed one. Nevertheless, we always enjoy our trips out there. We got Abby some big girl shoes, which is kinda fun. I mean, she hates them...but I'm hoping she'll get used to them.

pre-shopping kisses

We decided to make a stop on the way home and treat ourselves to a Valentine's Day ice cream outing. Abby's had a bite or two of ice cream before, but this was the first time we ordered her her own cup. Of course, she didn't even eat half of it, but it was still fun. The funniest part was that she kept getting brain freeze - and the look on her face was priceless. I think Kyle may have shot a video of that, I'll have to ask.

sitting at JP Licks

with her very own kiddie cup!

Ice cream was fun. We then headed home, fed Abby some real food and put her to bed. Kyle and I rented a movie and then watched a little TV together. Low key. But nice.

And I think I realized something about yesterday. On one hand, we didn't do anything extravagant. There were no $100 box of chocolates or dozens of roses, there were no helium balloons or fancy dinner. We spent the day pretty much like every other day, yet, it was perfect in its own way. And, it dawned on me, that it's not that yesterday wasn't special - it's just that it was just as special as the majority of our days. I'm so lucky to be married to a guy who makes every day feel a little bit like Valentine's Day. Even if it's just an email sent to me at work checking in to see how my day is going, or giving me a hug when he gets home - it's these little things that add up to make a lifetime of happiness.

And I'm very happy and very lucky. I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday, even if it was low key.


Yvonne A said...

Yay! I think you may have found the secret to a happy life. Love, Y.

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great Valentine's Day.


