Wednesday, March 24, 2010

big long update

Oh boy. Where do I start?

I suppose I'll start by saying that my best friend from high school and her husband came to visit us for a few days this past weekend. Leah, who is 28 weeks pregnant and her husband, Justin, came to see the city and let me stare at Leah's adorable baby belly. I'm so glad they did. It was fantastic to be able to hug my leah and talk without the aid of a keyboard.

Leah has always wanted to visit Salem, so on Saturday, off we went. The day was beautiful - nearly 70 degrees. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Unfortunately, it's the "off season" for Salem attractions and many of the tours weren't open.

Samantha statue

this is every pregnant lady's dream, no?

Abby hangin' out in front of the message board - Abby very much enjoyed seeing all of the dogs out for walks. We saw so many dogs, and Abby didn't pass up a single opportunity to point and follow after them. She's a little obsessed.

This is from the cemetery where many famous players from the Salem Witch Trials are buried as well as other historical figures.

shackled...but happy!

So we enjoyed our time in Salem, even though many of the attractions weren't open. We made our way back home and recouped before heading out to dinner for some yummy burgers. On Sunday, we all got up and headed into the city to walk the freedom trail. We stopped in the public gardens first to let Abby play on the Make Way for Ducklings statues. She had a good time there - and I sat back and took in just how big she's getting. *bittersweet*

We continued through the gardens and I made Leah let me snap a million pictures of her. I'll spare you most of them. :)

how cute is she?

more freedom trail - I love the old tombstones.

brewing indeed!

Cady's mommy & daddy!

So, as we're walking through Charlestown on our way to Beacon Hill, I saw this doorknob and fell in love. I know, I know, that may be a little odd, but it IS pretty, no?

The freedom trail wore us all out. Leah was a trooper though - I remember all too well how difficult just walking can be - let alone 5 miles of it. Funny story: Justin decided that he would climb the 300 steps to the top of the Beacon Hill Monument. We joked that it would happen, and so of course it did - but he gets to the top and his camera dies. Poor guy. :)

Anyway, That night, I took Leah and Justin to their first Cheesecake Factory. The next day, Kyle and I had to work, so our visitors took it upon themselves to explore Fenway Park and some other city sites. We all went out for dinner (thanks Kelly for babysitting!) at a seafood joint we'd never tried. The food was fine, but Leah started feeling bad so she didn't get to eat much. Poor Leah.

The next day was rainy and Kyle and I were running around taking Abby to the doctor. She's had a runny nose and a cough for a few weeks, but over the weekend, she just was not herself. On Tuesday morning, she woke up screaming and was only comforted by being held and cuddled - and even that didn't work all the time. We actually had her 15 month appointment scheduled at 4pm, but we decided we didn't want to wait that long and took her in early.

Long story short, she has her first ear infection, a sore throat, and of course the cold & cough. We got some antibiotics and she already seems to be feeling much better. We went ahead and had her 15 month check up as well.

She's 22.5 lbs and 23 inches long. The doctors were pleased with her development and were impressed with her vocabulary. That made me happy. Abby got 2 shots, and between those and all the poking and prodding - she was NOT happy. The poor child worked herself into a full sweat just by screaming. I had to pin her down several times and it was sad. Kyle and I teased that we were pretty sure she wouldn't be showing off her "thank you" for the doctors. She was, however, very happy to say "bye-bye"

We had a nice time and I was honored that Leah & Justin chose to spend their vacation with us. I wish it hadn't rained the second half of their trip - but, it is Boston... Either way, it was nice.

As for me, I'm sick again. I was on the mend...but tonight, the fever and aches are back. I don't know why I'm getting sick like this. I've never been one to get sick often, yet I feel like I've been sick this whole year. Ugh. Anyway - I'm going to be heading to bed now. I'll leave you with a few more pictures from the freedom trail.

tokens on Paul Revere's grave

I don't know why she thought the cross walk was so fun, but we must have crossed it 10 times for her entertainment.

a sick Abby, determined to enjoy herself. The instinct to play is so strong.

Boston at dusk from Beacon Hill

mommy to be


Brandy@YDK said...

great pictures. I've noticed that I get sick more now too. I think mine has to do with Grayson bringing home all the crap from daycare.

You live in such a fun area. It's good that you get out and enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Thanks Laura! We had tons of fun! I hope Abbie gets to feeling better. And Mommy, too!


*Jen* said...

1. Love the new blog background.
2. Love the crosswalk photo of Abby!
3. Why the pennies on Revere's grave?
4. Glad Abby is already feeling better! :)

Laura said...

Jen - its my understanding that the pennies and rocks left on tombs are a sign of respect - a way to say "I was here to remember you" I've also read it being a Jewish tradition of putting rocks on a grave as a symbol of the never ending monument to the deceased. I've also heard that its a way to "leave part of yourself" at the gravesite.

whatever the origin is - it's a symbol of remembrance and respect. You'll find stones piled up by the holocaust memorial as well, and most graves of significance in Boston.

