Maybe it's the weather, I dunno, but we've had some pretty good days around here lately. Kyle was home on Saturday, so we spent the day playing with Abby and enjoying each other's company. It's nice when we get to do that - being low key and all. That evening, we went out to dinner, took the stroller and the train and walked around town a little bit.
on the way home we walked past this house that had a pile of toys and things on the curb. Naturally, I looked at it as we passed and noticed that they were actually pretty nice things. Not your normal curb fare. So, then I started to wonder if they really were just for the taking? I couldn't decide. Nobody answered the door when I went to ask, so I decided on a compromise: I'd take one of the stuffed animals - a little kitten - for Abs and if the stuff was still there the next day, I'd load up. :)
Abby LOVES her "kitty" She carried it around all day and slept with it and kissed it and hugged it. It was very sweet.
The next day, I decided to check on the stuff again. I know that sounds really sketchy, but, it wasn't, promise. I'm not one to pass up free stuff. :)
Well, it was still there. I tried the door again to no answer, so we just helped ourselves to the things we thought Abs would enjoy. The best win? Musical instruments. I've been wanting Abby to have more, and we scored a fantastic 2 octave wooden xylophone.
she LOVES it and it sounds great.
What else did we win? Two triangles, an African maraca thing, wooden percussion instruments, and a set of bongos. Fun! But, wait, there's more. We also got a Melissa & Doug stamp set with all the whole alphabet (uppercase and lower), as well as about 30 other stamps of various designs. We got another M&D win with a big floor puzzle of the US. It even has all the pieces. :) Also picked up a few more plush toys for Abs - don't worry, they weren't dirty or anything. In fact, they smell really nice. ;)
So, I'm pretty happy with our new treasures. I know, I'm sadly cheap - but who can argue with free musical instruments and crafts? Yeah, I didn't think so. I will admit though, not all of Abby's treasures were free. She won Where the Wild Things Are, some Dr. Suess books and this vintage Disney book collection for about $4. :) I'm a thrift nerd. Oh well.
Abby is having a blast with her stuff. We bought some ink pads today, and will introduce that activity to her later today.
...and then jumping up and saying "YAY!!!"
I hear the little munchkin waking up from her nap, so I'll post about the rest of our weekend later. Kyle has been gone for a day or so for a quick trip to Baltimore. He'll be back tonight, and we're looking forward
Wow. Just Wow. One person's trash....
What a score!
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