Sunday, November 7, 2010


My productivity comes in bursts.  Especially when you're talking about home.  I mean, at work, I kinda have to be productive.  But at home?  It suffers sometimes.

I got up yesterday morning and tended to the Abster.  I got her breakfast started and decided to really clean the pantry.  I mean, REALLY, clean.  I took everything out, scrubbed, organized, and sorted.  I found a few packages of Ramen noodles that Kyle and I bought our first month in Boston - the month after we were married.  Yikes.  The funny thing is, it made me all nostalgic remembering those early months here when neither of us had an income and those 10 cent packages of ramen were a lot of our diet.  Good times people.

After the pantry was done, I decided to clean out other secret crevices of the kitchen.  I'll spare you the details and say it suffices to say that 1) It needed to be done and 2) It wasn't the most glamorous job.  This part took a little longer cause I was also juggling playing hide and seek with Abby (who just kept locking herself in the kitchen island cabinets) and dancing with her around the kitchen as she would demand "Dancing mama! Pwease!"  

Well, after all that dancing and playing and cleaning, I was inspired.  I emptied and reorganized our big storage closet and tidied our office.  Sometime after that Kyle woke up for the day and we all had lunch. We put Abs down for a nap and I went and rented a carpet cleaner and cleaned our entire downstairs.  Have I mentioned how much I hate having white carpets?  

Then, we got a bit of a break.  A good friend of ours that we knew from teaching her and her son Taekwondo in Arkansas was in town for a conference.  So, when Abs got up, we all packed up and headed into the city.  We had a really nice time.  Not only was it really great to see and visit with Nina - it was also just nice to get out and walk the city.  It's hard for us to justify doing that very often when it's just us.  But we always enjoy it when we do go out.  Nina was hilarious, she hasn't spent much time in cities and we had just as much fun watching her experience everything as she did doing it.  

We walked some of the freedom trail and ended up in the North End for a nice Italian dinner before taking Nina on her first train ride (she was excited :) and heading home.  It was just a really nice visit.  I love it when people from back home come to visit!

We got home and while Kyle started putting Abs to bed, I steam cleaned all the carpets again.  Woot.  Finally, with Abs in bed, the carpets clean, and some wings delivered - we settled in to watch the Hogs game on TV.  I made it till half time - at that point - my body crashed.  I woke up nearly 3 hours later and headed to bed.  I'd done wore myself out.  :)

So, it was a good day.  A productive day.  A good amount of work and a healthy dose of play.  Nothing earth shattering or front page news worthy - but a good day for us nonetheless.

1 comment:

jennybee said...

Man. And I was proud of cleaning off the top of my fridge...

Sounds like a great day. I like the ones that wear a body out with all the good or fun things that it's been doing.

