Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's 2011

I love holidays.  Just do.  I really like planning and doing projects and taking pictures and dressing up and celebrating the day - any day, really.

But, I'm going to admit that this year I just didn't have everything put together.  I felt like Valentine's Day just snuck up on me.  I was kinda sad when I realized that I was not going to have time to make those super cute valentines day cards with Abby and send out to all our friends and family.  I didn't put together some overly themed but cute Valentine's outfit for a photoshoot for her.  We had nothing planned.

So, On Sunday afternoon, I tried to get some festivities in.  We did some finger painting and made some valentine's day cards for a few people and decorated a bag for Kyle's gifts from Abby.

decorating daddy's bag

she actually told me what to write. 
 "Mama, put 'daddy' right here.  Make a heart here.  Make 'abby' over here..."

When Kyle got home that night, we gave him his little bag of goodies and gave Abby her little bag of goodies.  She got some candy, some knick-knacks, a cute shirt and some big-hit stickers from Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Ben (the inventor of rice)  ;)

...and a red balloon.  :)

Abby enjoying her "trick-or-treat vawentwine"

We put Abs to bed and Kyle and I had our own Valentine's dinner at home.  Steaks, asparagus, and twice baked potatoes made for a nice dinner.  We enjoy both the splurge of cooking a nice meal as well as the savings from not going out.  We kept it simple, but it was nice.

This morning, I made Kyle some heart shaped blueberry muffins and coffee before I had to head to work.  A small gesture to help get this Monday morning going.

Work was work, and then on with our afternoon.  Abs and I headed to the library after we dropped Kyle off at school.  Got a few books, and did a little shopping for daddy. :)  While we were out, we scored a heart shaped cookie cutter on the cheap and decided to make cookies when we got home.  See what I mean about things not really being planned out?

Nevertheless, the cookies were yummy. 

Kyle got home just as Abby and I were reading night-time stories.  He called Abby out in the hall and when she came back into the room, she was carrying an all too familiar box from daddy.  Kyle has spoiled me more than once with a gift from the same place we got my wedding rings from.  It's a tradition of sorts (or quickly becoming one ;)

I can honestly say that I didn't think I was getting anything for Valentine's Day - beyond our nice dinner and a shoulder rub.  And, I can also honestly say, I was really fine with that.  But, he surprised me anyway.  I think it's lovely.  He included a note that pointed out that life is good - with all Four of us.

Kyle and I decided to spoil ourselves and we ordered in tonight.  Nice treat.  :)

So, in the end, it's been a nice holiday.  A little last minute and disorganized perhaps (or maybe that's just how I feel on my end...)  But, lovely, nonetheless.  I'm not sure I have the energy at the moment to really delve into how happy I am with my little family - and my big family - and my friends....

But, just know that I'm so thankful and that I try not to take any of you for granted.  
Much love all around.  

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