Wednesday, April 27, 2011

part two

So, let's see, where did I leave off?  

We decided to go to the hospital.  My good friend Kelly came over to man the fort for us while we were gone and as soon as she got in, we headed out.  Kyle was a little concerned about me driving while having contractions.  I knew I would be ok and we didn't have too far to drive.  As I was backing out of the driveway, one started coming, so I just stopped and waited.  During the peak of the contraction, the radio stopped playing music and I looked at it to see that the XM screen read "NeedToBreathe"  It was reflecting the song that was playing on the radio - but oh my goodness was that funny.  I was laughing at the peak of my contraction...which is kinda impossible.  We got quite the kick out of it.  

Anyway, off we went.  As we drove, Kyle timed.  Contraction were now 5 mins apart.  We got to the hospital around 10:15pm, did registration, and were sent up to labor and delivery to get checked.  

I changed into a gown and got hooked up to the monitors.  We had some very sweet nurses.  They told me that if I wasn't very far along that there was a chance I'd be able to stay anyway because things were slow that night and they thought the doctor might agree to it.  I think their exact words were "you're not really presenting that you're in labor, but we'll see"  I wasn't really sure how to take that - but I took it as a compliment.

As they hooked me up, another contraction came and I breathed through it.  Both nurses seemed surprised that it was "such a strong one"  The doc came in and told me I was at 4cm, 80% effaced, and was officially staying the night.  I was relieved and nervous all at the same time.  You mean, this pregnancy thing is real?

I worked through contractions while everyone got all the paperwork done, hooked me up to the things I needed, and asked questions.  Things were getting painful and I knew I'd want an epidural.  A hero, I am not.  So, they went ahead and sent for the epi man.

I got the Epidural in around 1am.  It went well and was an easy procedure.  The epi man was very personable and helpful.  Everyone was so nice and put me at ease.  I was very happy for the relief.  Around 2am, I was finally warm and numb and every one was settled.  Kyle had a cot and I decided to take a nap.  

An hour later I woke up to a small, but familiar feeling.  A little pressure.  My water had broken as well.  They called the doc in to check me out.  I was at 9.5 cm.  As I heard the nurse say "Ok, let's get the birth kit ready"  I was shocked.  Already?  But, of course, I knew it was coming.  

I went ahead and gave myself another shot of the epidural - as I had a little button to manage the pain as needed.  Soon, I wasn't able to feel the pushing pressure.  At this point, of course, Kyle had woken up from his nap.  I think something about the words "9.5 cm" and "get the doctor" made his nap end rather abruptly. ;)  As everyone got things ready, I entered the transition phase and started shaking - as if I were cold. And I thought I was cold.  I could not stop shaking and chattering.  I knew it was normal and I knew what was happening, but it was still strange.  As the shaking wore off, the nurses told me I was ready to push.  I was nervous.  I jokingly told them, "Ok, let's do this in 3"

Because I couldn't feel anything, the nurses told me when to push.  I could feel pressure now, but not pain.  I know everyone is different - but let me tell you, I was pretty ok with this arrangement.  I was even able to crack jokes between pushes...I needed to lighten the mood a bit.  

Imagine my surprise when, on push 3, the head was out.  What?  Are you kidding me?  It's only been 5 minutes!  With Abs I pushed for 45 and was prepared to do the same.  2 more pushes and we had a brand new baby girl.  Kyle got to cut the cord - which was pretty cool.

I have always considered my labor experience with Abby to have been a relatively easy one.  My water broke and I was eventually induced - but I got through it with only a few very very painful segments.  But, I was mistaken.  In hindsight, Abby's labor was much harder.  A lot of that has to do with being induced.  My body was forced to get ready to deliver a baby in 10 hours whereas with Elizabeth, it had been getting ready for days (at least) and the difference between the two was amazing.  

As soon as she was born, I felt like I could have just packed up and headed back home.  I was in nowhere near the pain I was after Abby.  My recovery has already been so so so much easier this time, and I'm thankful for that.  The whole experience was just night and day from Abby's birth.  Oh, and did I mention that she was 9 lbs???  I mean, ok, 8lbs 15.8 oz -but my friend Kathy said I could count that as 9lbs, so I'm gonna. ;)  It was very counterintuitive that such a big baby would be a much easier delivery.

the first picture

a new mom, again. 

big baby girl

As the nurses cleaned Elizabeth up, Kyle took pictures and I marveled that, just like that, it was over.  They gave her to me to nurse and then took her off to the nursery.  At that point, Kyle and I rested.  It took a while before I was able to feel my legs and such, so we kept waiting and waiting for the epi to wear off.  when I thought I could walk again, I tried and nearly passed out.  So, the nurses wheeled me around.

We got set up in our recovery room in time for breakfast.  We took some pictures and started sharing her with the world.

I know a lot of this post may be disjointed - at least it seems that way to me.  It's taken me a few hours to write from my hospital bed here due to the constant stream of doctors, nurses, aides, and other people coming in and out.  I apologize for the lack of organization.  I have more to write, so part three will follow soonish.

At the moment - I need to go get ready to take my new bundle o' joy home. :)


Linda said...

I'm so glad that your delivery was so painless and you are all heathy.She is such a pretty girl!
Thank you for blogging about your experience and sending us the pictures.


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear the second time is a little better for some. I know we'll all be anxiously awaiting Blog part 3. :) Much love!


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I *love* this. The way you describe it makes me get the same excited-Christmas morning feeling I got when both girls were born.

I'm really interested to hear that you also had an easier recovery this time, with a NINE POUND baby:P I thought I had an easier time this time because Katie was so much smaller than Grace, or because my epidural wasn't as strong, but that's obviously not the case. Interesting.

And pushing out a nine pound (NINE POUND!!) baby that fast? Girl, you are my hero.

Kristen said...

As always, so very well written Laura.

It's amazing the energy surge I had with Nate, similar to yours with Elizabeth.

