Wednesday, November 30, 2011

gets it

I often drive around composing blog posts in my head. I've had this one stuck up there for a week or so and there is this one sentence that I keep wanting to write.

 I'm so thankful to have a husband who "gets it"

 I didn't write a long Thanksgiving post about all the blessings in my life. There are many. So many. Too many for me to count or even think about all the time. But there is one thing that has stuck out to me over the past week. And that is how lucky Abby and Elizabeth are to have Kyle as a dad. He's a great dad.

 Maybe it's because I work with a population that doesn't always have the luxury of involved parents, or maybe it's because I've had several cases lately where the kids didn't have parents at all. For whatever the reason, it's been on my mind that I should publicly acknowledge Kyle's efforts.

 He gets that when he comes home from work, I need him to help me, even though he's tired.

 He gets that things work better when we both share the chores - he always helps me clean up or cook or take out the trash - I never have to ask him, he's always the one asking me what he can do to help. 

He gets that chasing and tickling Abby or letting Elizabeth lay on his chest and chew his nose are more important activities than checking his email.

 He gets that consistency is important. He's always consistent with our discipline rules. He doesn't lose his temper with the girls like I do sometimes.

 He gets that it is important for me (and him, too) to have the chance to be alone sometimes and to do things we enjoy (be it running, taking pictures, or flying around the country just for fun ;)

 He gets that being a dad means early mornings. He doesn't complain when Abby jumps on our bed at 5:45am asking if we've seen her Princess wand - is it in the dishwasher? Or maybe Elizabeth took it? Can you look for it daddy?

 He gets me. He knows the difference between when I'm tired and when I'm really hanging on by a thread. And he knows how to navigate both of those minefields effectively.

 He gets that the girls need his attention and presence and he gives it to them even when he'd rather be watching football.

 Overall, he just gets it. And I'm starting to get just how lucky we are to have such a dedicated and selfless and loving husband and daddy to call our own.

 Thank you Kyle for being great. Love you.


Leah said...

Awww. I love this post. Makes me all warm and fuzzy. :)

Anonymous said...

my eye is filled with a happy tear at work...

bless the boston muts

<3 <3 <3

-- kikki

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Laura! He is the best and I love him so much too! God has blessed us all with Kyle's gentle, understanding spirit.


Linda said...

Kyle you are so wonderful and I am very grateful that you married Laura. Love you so much.


jennybee said...

Yay Kyle! He's so great.

Billie Jo said...

I agree. Miss you guys so much. :)

I laughed at the flying around the country for no reason. ONLY kyle. :)

Brooke said...

Oh ghah... this made me cry! Dad's are a huge part of kids lives and I love that this generation of Dad's do seem to be more hands on. My poor hubby doesn't stand a chance with my boys... they are such daddies boys that I don't think he could take a back seat to parenting, even if he wanted too. Thankfully he doesn't. He LOVES it! YAY for DADS... I seriously can't even imagine doing this gig solo.

