Thursday, November 10, 2011

little miss mae

I have a few seconds, so, allow me to ramble.  Let's update the world on E, shall we?  We call her E most of the time.  We call her Elizabeth a lot of the time.  We call her E-train quite frequently.  Little Miss Mae is one that Abby uses a lot - it's super cute and so southern.

So, here are a few updates on our little miss mae.

first swing the other day - LOVED it!

Abigail was the perfect sleeping baby when she was born.  It was awesome.  Elizabeth has not been a bad sleeper by any stretch of the imagination, but a few months ago - when she was underweight - we decided to resume night feedings.  We had previously stopped feeding her overnight, but, she wasn't sleeping through and she was crying for hours and, well, we figured maybe she was just hungry after all.  So - we started them again.  Sure enough - she started sleeping so much better.  But, she has been waking up once a night for that bottle ever since.  Well, two nights ago, she woke up, fussed for a few minutes, and quieted down.  No bottle.  Now, she woke up close to 5:30 - but I'm going to blame that on the time change.  I can't blame her for that...I was awake at 4:30 thinking "when is the baby gonna wake up?" and "it feels like morning."

Anyway.  She didn't need the bottle.  She's back on track with her weight.  Her 6 month appointment was the other day and she weighs 16.4 lbs and is 26.5 inches long.  50%.  So, those two things combined made me decide that we're not going back to the bottle.  I was ready for a night of crying it out last night as I had to wait for her to realize she wasn't going to get any food.

But?  She didn't.  She fussed for a few minutes around midnight, and made some noises around 1 - but she didn't cry.  She woke up around 5:40 (well, that's when I woke up and heard her...)  But she was making happy noises.  Kyle got her out of bed at 6.

On one hand - yay!  She slept through the night without a bottle and didn't even cry for hours on end!  On the other hand? I feel like it's 1) a fluke and 2) I wish she wouldn't think 5:30 was morning time.  I mean, I don't *really* care - I'm up then everyday anyway.  Just on principle.  It would be nice if my girls would sleep in...even if I can't.

Elizabeth is growing into a little person now.  She's at the fun stage.  She can sit on her own (with about 85% stability), so she can play with toys and interact and - it's just fun.  Of course, it is also the start of sibling tuffs.  We haven't really had any yet - but I can SEE them coming.  The other day, Abby took a toy away from Elizabeth and said "E's all done with this one"  Meanwhile, E is stretching her arms towards Abby and the toy saying "Eh! eh! duhduhduhduhdeeebabababa!"  It was comical - E wanitng the toy SO much and Abby very calmly stating that she was done playing with it.  Of course it had nothing to do with the fact that Abs wanted to play with it.  Of course not.  None.

Anyway, this will get fun - I'm looking forward to it.

What else?

Food?  Yes.  E likes food.  Like, kinda a lot.  Her first food was oatmeal, then sweet potatoes.  She's had green beans, broccoli, winter squash, pears, prunes, applesauce, banana, and avacado.  I'm not sure she has a favorite yet...I mixed pears and avacado the other day and she ate it up pretty fast, but she tends to eat all of whatever we give her at this point.

Yesterday was a fun first of both girls having the same breakfast.  Applesauce and a banana and milk(/formula).  Abby thinks it's hilarious when E eats the same food she's eating.

first time sitting in the cart!

I don't think I should probably even admit this on my blog - but for the sake of documentation, I'll put it right here in the middle of this long rambly post and maybe nobody will notice.  The other day - I turned my back on E for, I dunno, maybe 5 seconds?  8 seconds?  You get the idea.  I went to put one of Abby's shoes on the shelf and I heard a *THUD*  Three thoughts happened at the exact same moment.  1) "What did E throw off the kitchen island this time?"  2) "There was nothing on the kitchen island because I moved everything out of her reach" and 3) "That was Elizabeth"

I spun around and my stomach sank as I saw E on the floor - still in her bumbo.  She had pushed herself right off the edge of the kitchen island.  She was screaming (a good sign).  I whisked her away and checked her over.  No blood, no obviously broken things.  Huge bruise on her head.  I was shaking because how was I supposed to know if she was ok?  I held her and calmed her and kissed her and apologized a billion times.  I made her a bottle - she had 2 sips and fell asleep in my arms.  She was exhausted.  I was too scared to put her down, so I held her while she slept - all the while texting several friends for advice.  Big thanks to my nurse friend Kathy who calmed me down and my friends Billie Jo and Ricky who made me laugh by saying things like "We need to check for concussions - ask her a question and see if she answers correctly"

In short - she's fine.  She woke up 20 mins later from her nap happy as a clam.  Her bruise is almost gone, and I've decided to continue parenting despite that particular epic fail.  PSA: bumbos move.

see?  she was fiiiiiiiiine. 

Ok.  I'm out of time.  I'm off to start my long weekend!  Yay!  Thanks Veterans!


Anonymous said...

this is grrreat. :D

-- kikki

Billie Jo said...

did i ever mention how much i love you and your sweet family? :-)

can't wait to see all of you in Arkansas next month. Next month?! How is that possible? Whoa. time is seriously warped.

miss you!

Linda said...

I just ache at how bad, you felt with that fall, and I'm so happy all is well! E sure is interesting now. You guys are great parents.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I love Abs in the background of the grocery store, checking out the produce (that's her, right?)

Time sure does fly.

