Sunday, January 29, 2012

saturday morning

Yesterday was a good morning - a little lazy, a little productive, a little fun.

The girls and I got up and played downstairs while daddy slept in a little bit.  We decided to make a fun breakfast, so we pulled together our resources and had fun with it.  Abby was a pretty good little help in the kitchen.

Our Squirrel breakfast. I wish I'd taken a better picture, but the phone was all that was handy.
Abby was quite pleased with it....although I think her favorite part was "raining syrup" on the little critters.

After breakfast, we woke up daddy and I decided to play. I haven't picked up my camera this whole month.  I'm not sure why - but it's probably a combo of being sick, being busy, the days being dark and short and just feeling uninspired.  But yesterday, I decided I would try to take some snapshots to get the juices flowing again.  And we had a fun time.

I let the girls play around on my stripped-down bed and I just snapped.  Most of the pictures weren't as technically spot-on as I like - but it doesn't really matter.  The blur and the grain, the blown out spots and the missed focus - it all captures that morning pretty well.

And that is something I need to remember.  I sometimes feel like if I can't produce an image that is technically sound AND beautiful, then I shouldn't show it or share it or keep it.  But I need to remember that sometimes, it doesn't matter if my ISO was too high or if my processing is ambiguous - it's more important that I have captured the memory of my girls playing together.

That being said, a few of my favorites from our Saturday morning shoot.

After our shoot, it was more play time, more laundry time, lunch time, nap time, and then we all went and ran errands.  It was a good day, as Saturdays should be.


Anonymous said...

These are wonderful years to preserve for latter years.


Mary said...

Oh Laura! I love your pictures of the girls...they are truly beautiful :) And your processing is gorgeous...what are you using/doing/etc? Sometimes I wish I had kids so I could take pictures of them :P Someday! :)

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I seriously love these pictures.

