Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's 2012

Random stuff.

So, Valentine's Day was fun.  Abby really enjoyed it this year, and it's always fun watching her get excited about these things.  I put together a little basket of toys for the girls, a little candy, balloons and donuts for breakfast set the day off right.  We put simple post-it-notes in a mail box with things Abby could "read" and she loved that.

  In my mind, I had great intentions of making valentine day crafts for our families, friends, etc.  But, it just didn't happen.  I couldn't fit it in - or maybe I just didn't fit it in - either way, my intentions were good.  We did, however, manage to put together one project and we made homemade crayons for Abby's playgroup friends.  That was a fun project - taking Abby's crayons and melting them to create new ones.

We had playgroup during the afternoon, which was also one of the kids' birthday.  So, Abby was doubly excited - Valentine's Day AND a birthday party?  Awesome.  We all had a good time, and when we left it was time to pick up Kyle from work.  We all went to Applebee's for dinner (because, yeah we're fancy like that) and then home.  A simple evening, but it was nice.  

There was this one moment that I wanted to remember.  I tried to capture it with my phone, but the picture just didn't capture the feeling I wanted it to.  We were sitting at Applebee's, and Abby was sitting in her chair eating her mac n' cheese.  Her hair in pigtails, wearing a valentine's day shirt and looking both all grown up and so little all at once.  It was one of those completely normal moments that took me by surprise when I looked at her and found myself choked up.  She was just happy and I was overcome with gratitude.  I was thankful for her, and for the whole table of family around me.  Thankful that we were together, happy and healthy.  

I dunno, it was nice. 

E was in a great mood as well - she was interactive and happy and playful.  I love that she's big enough now to eat something off the menu when we go out.  I ordered her a side of rice beans and sausage and she ate every bite and loved it.  She's getting more and more personality - it's a lot of fun.  She smiles and flirts with other people, sometimes she'll try to wave, but it's not a strong skill yet.  Mostly, she wrinkles up her nose, smiles, closes her eyes and gives a little breathy laugh.  She's great. 

So.  I dunno.  I don't feel like I have anything stellar or amazing to write about, and yet, I do want to document these days.  Our days are good.  And busy.  And I'm *still* trying to learn to juggle everything (and also realizing I never will).  But, whatever, that's fine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you are right. What is 'whatever' will be fine because you have so much love, health and joy. It's a treat listening to your blogs! By the way, 'Be Mine, Valentine'!


