Thursday, November 8, 2012

I've got 5 mins

Let's see how much I can get out. :)

Abby is under the weather today.  As is E.  And me, for that matter.  Kyle is the only relatively healthy one right now...and that's good as he's running a 1/2 marathon this coming Sunday.

It snowed yesterday.  A little early and due to a nor'easter.  It's going to be in the 60's again this weekend.  Crazy.  Abby was SO excited about the snow.  She was chatting 90mph about all the things she could do in the snow.  She's my winter baby 110%

I got off work a few mins early today and sat at a panera by myself and enjoyed a bowl of onion soup.  It was really yummy.  And it was a little nice to have some down time.  It would have been better if I hadn't had to walk home in the snow sludge, sleet and wind....but, eh.

Other than feeling sickly today, the girls have been great.  E is getting to be big.  Literally, I suppose.  She had her 18 month Dr. appointment on Monday and she weighs 26lbs and is 33 inches long.  That's about the 85% for both height and weight.

Both girls got their flu shots.  E got the shot.  Abby got the flumist spray.  I don't have time to get into it, but let's just say she threw a fit that EVERYBODY in that office will remember for their entire lives. It ended with THREE nurses holding her down while I shot mist up her nose.  Completely traumatic and terrible for everyone involved.  Her 4 year check-up is next month, so THAT should be fun.

And - ok - so that's what 5 mins of typing looks like.  In my defense, E closed my computer twice and I had to get up to keep her from trying to stick her finger in an outlet.

Happy days.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting! I care a lot about it all!

Michael is doing a new 30 second film about a chase by zombies!


*Jen* said...

* Your last sentence made me giggle.
* I'm sorry Abby (and you!) had a bad experience with the flu mist; Paige took it like a champ, and I was so thankful she didn't have to do a shot.

