Monday, December 3, 2012


We decided to get a tree this weekend.  In the past, getting a tree has always been a question of timing.  Do we do it before Abby's party and then have a house full of toddler and birthday decor competing for attention with a big tree and christmas decorations?  Or, do we wait until after her birthday and only have the tree up for a week or so before we leave to fly home to AR?  

This year, we decided to enjoy the tree all month and get one early.  It snowed on Saturday morning.  Just a dusting, really, but it added a nice feel to the morning.  We packed up the girls and drove to our church where they sell trees.  We let the girls run around a little bit and we eventually picked out a tree that we thought was not too small and not too big (of course, it's about twice as big inside the house as we thought it would be, but -eh)

Doesn't E look so old here? Not a baby anymore. :(

Abby was so excited about decorating.  We made her wait until after nap time so we could get out the decorations and let the tree dry off for a while - and that was SO hard for her.  She kept sneaking little pieces of play-doh on the tree as ornaments and sticking socks in the branches and such.  Eventually, however, the girls were up and we decorated the tree listening to Christmas songs.  It was nice. They did a very nice job. 

That night, Kyle and I did something uncharacteristic.  We went out.  Like, we got a babysitter and left the house to go to a dinner party.  One of Kyle's friends had invited us to partake of a tradition amongst his friends called "Piemas"  It's a night of eating where every course is some sort of pie.  We had pie appetizers, dinner pies, dessert pies.  It was interesting, fun, and yummy.  We had a nice time.  And the girls didn't miss us.  They got to stay up late- drinking hot chocolate and watching movies.  

After piemas, we came home and prepped for the next morning when Abby would get the elf she's been wanting.  But, I think I'll save that for another post.  Till next time!

1 comment:

jennybee said...

I'd seen that picture several times without realizing that was E and not Abby. She looks like she's 6!

Also: Elf? Do tell.

