Abby and I got up around 7:30 this morning. She was a little fussy this morning. I'm pretty sure she was having some tummy pains. She just looked and sounded as if she was hurting. It's so sad to watch her like that. She cried and cried. At around 10, she settled down, and 4 diapers later (yes, 4 diapers in one changing) she seemed to feel much better.
We were meeting a friend for lunch, so I tried to get her to take a nap before we went. No go. I got her to be quiet in my arms for a while, but her eyes were as wide as saucers the whole time. Well, we got ready and went to lunch. Kyle and I got groceries afterwards and ran another errand before coming home. Usually, the car puts her to sleep instantly. Not today. Nope, today she either sat quietly wide-eyed in her car seat or she was screaming at us.
She wasn't dirty, she wasn't hungry, she did Not want her pacifier...she was just upset.
We got home and Kyle and I tried to get her to nap again. No luck. We tried swaddles, pacifiers, laying her alone, cuddling with her. I tried nursing her to sleep, rocking, singing, changing her. Nothing worked. She either was awake or crying.
I put her in her pack-n-play while we made dinner. She was drowsy looking, so I thought this would be it. Dark room, all tucked in... Nope. While we made dinner we listened to her soundtrack of whiney-cry. Just a whimper. One of those "c'mooooon, I don't wannnna go to bed guys" She picked up the crying a little (of course) and we let her go about 5 mins. As soon as one of walked in the room, she stopped. She was just laying there - wide eyed and still. As soon as we walked out - the whimpering started again.
They say newborns shouldn't stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time. I'm sure this depends somewhat on the baby, but I'm also sure than 12 hours is too long for her to be awake.
Poor baby.
Very sweet picture. Thanks for your comment. It meant alot. I was unsure of whether or not to be totally honest, but I am glad I was. It is the best job....and the hardest. That is all there is too it!
The hardest times for me were always when my child didn't feel well. Loving all of you from Arkansas. that sure is a lovely photo.
Granny in Love
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