I started the day pretty well. I got up and made it down to the gym, which was good. I was proud of myself for going - cause I did not want to go. At all. Afterwards, I had time to clean the kitchen and living room before Abby & Kyle were awake. Kyle had to leave for work pretty quickly and after she ate, Abby and I cuddled up for a nap.
Unfortunately, I have a feeling I'm getting sick. My throat was sore all morning, and then it subsided and gave way to a killer headache (which is still with me) and some slight achey feelings all over. No fun. I've been in a kinda grumpy mood all day - poor Kyle. It's just because I don't feel well. I think he knows that. :)
The rest of the day was pretty chill. Abby slept or stayed silently awake for the most part. She's a good baby. Kyle is home now, we had a good dinner and now he's napping with the little one, which gives me a break and gives them some nice time together.
So, no real point to any of this, just wanted to take a moment to write. I'm going to go try and rest for a bit.
All tuckered out.
Oh, I hope you feel better. Tried the OJ cure yet?
She is beautiful in that pic. Well, every pic, but you know what I mean. So peaceful.
You need Mama Linda's Homemade chicken soup. Guess I'll just "e"-mail you some 'wish you are better' soup. I love you.
The Granny
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