It's been raining all day so we didn't do a ton. We did go to the library for a few hours this morning. We love our library. And Abby is getting better about sitting...although, she'd still rather play than sit and read an entire book. But, we're getting there. I haven't taken many pictures this weekend, but here are a few pictures from a few days ago.
smelling flowers while we wait on daddy to finish work
our playground has these raised stepping stones that Abby has recently decided she's brave enough to long as she has help of course. There's no better help than daddy.
she's saying "biiig step!"
In other news, Abs hurt her elbow today. We're not sure if it's slightly popped out of place or just tender, but she hasn't wanted to use it all day and doesn't want it to be touched. If you do touch it too hard she says "uh-oh, ouch, boo-boo, uh-oh" which, at this age, is about as clear as you can get. So, we have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow and we'll see if they can pop it back into place or tell us that its fine. However, as long as you're not touching it and she doesn't have to use it - she's been in good spirits the rest of the day. I'll let ya know how it goes. It's times like this I'm really thankful for our awesome insurance and thankful that we don't have to make a decision on whether we should get her checked out or not based on affordability. Anyway, that's a topic for another day. Point is - she's fine, but we're gonna go get an official opinion on the matter anyway.
That pretty much sums up our today. Kinda ho-hum. I did try a new recipe for dinner that came out yummy. It was all mushrooms and chicken and mozzerella and other goodness - and it took me far longer to prepare than I'm usually willing to spend. But, it was yummy and I like to try new things every so often.
Perhaps we'll have more exciting things to write about later on. Until then, I'll try to take more pictures. :)
Laura, she looks as Big Girl on those raised stepping stones as I've felt Paige looks lately. I really wonder how this happened so quickly! :)
Hope her elbow is OK.
LOVE the pictures.
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