Monday, October 25, 2010

diaper friends

randomosity, continued.

Abby refers to her diapers by the characters on them.  She has pampers diapers with sesame street characters on them during the day, and huggies overnight diapers for night.  Now, at every diaper change, she asks, "Elmo?"  or  "Cookie?" (cookie monster) or whatever other character she's hoping for.  She takes whatever she gets.  Then, throughout the day, she'll tell you which one she has on, "Abby - big birt diaper!"  This is kinda cute.  But it gets confusing in public when she starts chanting "A cookie diaper! I have a cookie diaper!"  It's even greater when she starts proclaiming "Poopy cookie diaper!" or just "poopy cookie!"

(oh, and for those of you keeping track at home, yes, she's started saying "diaper" now instead of "dit-die"  I, however, still slip back to saying "dit-die" on occasion and have to watch myself.  ;)

At night, she runs into her room and goes to her other basket to proclaim "Mickey diaper!"  She picks one out, grabs a wipe, and give them both to me.  She'll, again, proceed to tell you for the next few minutes that she's now wearing a "Mickey Diaper!"  On occasion, although not as often as in the past - she'll refer to the Mickey diapers as "hot dog diapers"  Because, you see, on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse - the characters sing a song called the Hot Dog Dance and she makes that association.

Another point to remember about her diaper lingo.  Since she was born, Kyle has enjoyed "flying" Abby around superhero style and proclaiming "Super Abby!"  Now that she's a little bigger, this usually consists of being tucked under Kyle's arm and "flying" - Abs sticks her arms out in front and everything. Well.  When she first saw Super Grover on sesame street (with cape and all) she proclaimed "Oh! Super Abby!"  She still won't say grover.  So now, if she wins a Grover diaper - she gets very excited and says "Oh, Super B!" ...which has become her shortened version of Super Abby/Grover.

Because she identifies her diapers by characters - she treats them as individuals.  She routinely shuffles through her diaper basket to pick one of each character (sometimes two Elmo's, because, well, Elmo's the obvious favorite) and she'll put them in a circle or feed them or invite them for tea.  She likes putting them in her big inflatable duck boat and taking them for rides around her room.

Luckily, she's very good about cleaning up her diapers and she's now able to even put them back in the basket correctly (instead of just piling them back on a shelf).  So, there's that.  And, she only plays with new ones.  Ha.  She'll often point to her diaper trash can and proclaim "Peeeee-yew"

I dunno, maybe I should be worried that she plays with her diapers so much?  Or maybe I should just remember that we're growing a sibling as we speak.  It'll all work out. :)


Bobbi Sharp said...

It'll all work itself out. Arabella still refers to her soiled diapers as dit-dee. But clear as day can say pee/potty/poop. She'll get over it. And she calls her overnights Hop To's. Apparently the Hot Dog Dance is too much of a mouthfull and Hop To is much better? These kids crack me up!

*Jen* said...

This whole post is hilarious to me! Cute :)

Colleen said...

I love her diaper friends! I think it's adorable. And think of all the money you are saving on silly toys... who needs them?!

