Friday, January 28, 2011

28 weeks

A few days ago I hit the 28 week mark, which means we are now embarking upon the third trimester of this pregnancy o' mine. 

That's more than a little crazy.  

I was telling a friend the other day how I feel like this pregnancy will be over before I even realize I'm pregnant.  Even starting our 7th month - I still forget that I'm pregnant sometimes.  The other day, I was playing with Abby and we were just goofing around being ridiculous and I was doing this fake superman leap - for lack of a better descriptor - into the air.   She was laughing at me and then I pulled something and my body said "Dude! You're pregnant.  Remeeeeeember??"  And I was all like, "Um? what? Oh. Yeah.  My bad."

Overall, I'm feeling good.  I have the typical round ligament pain that gets me sometimes.  And the occasional sciatica - I got that with  Abs a lot - especially if I walk any lengthly distance.  But even those things are only occasional.  I really feel fine most of the time. (well, pregnancy wise anyway - this cold is  driving me crazy)

The crazy salt cravings and things I had early on have subsided for the most part.  I get cravings for salt just as often as I get for sweet.  I have been on a raisin bran kick recently.  And I have to add a handful of extra raisins.  It's really good.  I'll have a bowl for breakfast, another for an afternoon snack, and I've had it for dinner twice this week.  Pregnancy does that to me though - I'll find this one food and kind of obsess over it for a little while, and then, eventually, move on to the next one.  Right now?  Raisin bran.  With extra raisins. 

Anywho.  Here's a picture. 28 weeks. 

My boots still zip - so that's a plus.  If this pregnancy is anything like my last, it won't be too much longer before I start morphing into a sloshy water-infused version of myself.

I had my 28 week appointment yesterday.  It was quick and easy.  I had to bring Abs with me since it was a snow day, and she did well.  She knew what to expect and was well behaved - always a relief.  My bp was still low 95/48 I think.  I was pleased that I'd only gained 3 lbs since my previous visit....I really was expecting it to be much more once you consider how I've eaten during all these snow days.  Seriously.  Hopefully I can keep to this growth pace though.  If so, I'll be in a much better position than I was when Abs came.

Yesterday Abby tried to feed the baby by putting her sippy up to my belly button and then sticking a piece of green pepper in it.  She was quite proud of herself.

Ok.  I'll write more later.  I'm super tired right now.  Gonna try to get a tiny bit of rest in real quick.


