Saturday, January 29, 2011


Abby was in a bit of a mood this afternoon.  It's kind of hard to put my finger on.  She wasn't being *bad* necessarily, but she was definitely being.... difficult.  It wore on me.

Just little things like - when I was changing her diaper, she would repeatedly take the diaper away.  She thought it was funny.  If I suggested that she do something she didn't want to do, like, wear pants - instead of saying "no" like normal, she would start crying and pleading "NOnononononono!" with big crocodile tears.  She stole my scissors while I was cutting coupons and freaked when I took them back.  She (semi-accidently) tore a library book page and got a time out.  When I put her in the carseat - she wouldn't turn around right and, again, thought she was being hilarious by standing in it backwards.  When I needed her to walk, she wanted to be carried.  When I needed her to hold my hand, she twisted and pulled the other way.  She insisted on having her feet on two different stairs while riding the escalators.  Little things.  But, all added up, they wore me out!

I was very happy for nap time to get here.  She slept for 3 hours and I was hopeful that a good sleep would help her mood.  She woke up and while I put her on the changing table to change her - she rolled over and pretended to go back to sleep.  Sigh.

Eventually, I got her downstairs.  We had this little conversation:

Me: "Abby, what would you like to do?"
Abs: "no"
Me: "would you like to color?"
Abs: "no"
Me: "Would you like to play blocks?"
Abs: "no"
Me: "Do you want to watch Mickey?"
Abs: "no no no"
Me: "Ok then.  You can just stand there."
Abs: "Oh no! I need to clean up! Music cat fall down!"

She then ran over to her music cat keyboard, which was on the floor, and propped it up against the wall. Then, she found a lost lego and put it back in the lego bucket.  Then? She found some paper and threw it away for me.  After each task, she would say "time to clean up!"  And, I should mention, things were pretty clean.  I'd just spent a good 30 minutes tidying up.

Anyway.  Later, she's carrying an apple around (the only thing I could get her to eat).  She put the apple in her red chair and I said, "Abby, don't put your apple in the chair, put it on your plate, the chair is dirty"  She walks to the kitchen and comes back and does this:

Yes, she just went and put her apple in a ziplock and THEN put it in the chair.  A big 'ol "take that, MOM."

This pleased her and she became more tolerable after that (and an episode of Mickey).  I asked her if she wanted to finger paint.  It's been forever since we've done that.  She was very excited.  She had a great time painting after I told her it was ok to be messy.  She kept wanting me to clean her hands after each dip.  Um no.
there's no way painting with your hands could NOT be fun

The funny thing was after we were done and I'd made her dinner.  I gave her a hot dog with a small dollop of mustard and ketchup to use.  Of course, they look just like the paint.  I looked up to see this:

so proud of herself

It made me laugh.

What else?

Oh, during her bath, she spent the whole time washing all her toys.  She put soap on them, she scrubbed them, and rinsed them.  She washed rubber duckie's hair about a dozen times.  Again, my little neat freak was quite pleased with herself.  It was cute in that the whole time she was chatting to herself - narrating really.  "Ok duckie! Time to wash your hair!  Here ya go frog, let's clean up your mouth and your feet.  Dolphin needs to be washed too.  Wash wash for dolphin.  I clean all the friends..."

Before bed, she saw the new boxes of kleenex I'd bought today.  I'd put them on a shelf outside her room.  She stopped in her tracks and said "Oh! Look! Presents for Abby! YAY!"  Cause, they do kind of look like wrapped boxes.  :)  She took the truth well.  We both think tissues are pretty awesome right now anyway.

Speaking of which, Abs is feeling much better.  Her nose is running still, which is causing her to have a nasty cough, but she's back to normal otherwise.  I have the same cough she does, but we're both on the mend.

Kyle is gone till Tuesday night.  He's off doing important and fun things with the National Federation for the Blind.  Today?  Today he's in Daytona - walking on the beach in 75 degree weather.  I'm happy for him, really. ;)  But, we'll be glad to have him back in a few days too!

Anyway, I know this was kind of a random assortment of clips from out day.  They were just things I didn't want to forget.  I hope everyone had a nice Saturday.

1 comment:

jennybee said...

I think Ben was in the same mood.

