Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years stuff

Like most people, I don't want to call them resolutions.  But, the beginning of a new year really is a nice time to tell yourself you have a clean start and to make changes you've been meaning to make.

I feel like I haven't had time to really sit down and reflect like I'd like.  That's the one down side Kyle and I both feel that comes with traveling over the holidays.  We drive from city to city, pack and unpack, hug and converse and enjoy the company of many, and then we load up again, drive some more, stay up late, and do it again in the morning.  Don't get me wrong, Christmas was great!  But, there's just not that quiet time that we used to have.  For me growing up, that reflection time came during the midnight Christmas Eve candlelight service.  We all would light candles and sing silent night together before dismissing into the first few moments of Christmas Day.  There's something about candlelight...

Now, we can't stay up with Abs (or without Abs, ha!) late enough for the late services.  And so we go to the children's services.  I spend my time tending to Abby, making sure she's happy, comfortable, content, entertained, fed and not disrupting others.  I get a few minutes of actually paying attention to the service in most of the time - but even then - part of my mind is always working on what's coming next.

I'm rambling.

Point is.  I've been trying to reflect.

This year has a lot of changes in store for us.  The most obvious being baby #2 of course.  But, there are things before that too.  Potty training Abby, moving her into a big bed, getting a nursery ready.  All big changes.  Then baby will come home and we will patch things together day by day until we find a routine as a family of 4.  Then there will be summer and traveling some, and the next thing you know it, I'm back at work and it's fall and the holidays and here we are again.  :)

So. I want to keep things simple.

Here are a few of my goals.

1) To take care of myself.  To work out more, to eat healthy, to drink more water.
2) To read more
3) To take better pictures....and to keep taking pictures.  I'm trying to save for a nice camera to help with this.
4) To spend more time with Kyle.  More dates.  I'd love to say one date a month, but even half of that would be an improvement.
5) To cook more.

There are others, but that's a start.  I'm hoping to reassess on Valentine's Day.  A year is too long.  6 weeks or so seems much more manageable.


Brandy@YDK said...

ha - love that you are going to revisit your goals in 6 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Your post on gratitude afffected me a lot. More gratitude is my resolution. I don't want to nag.


