Thursday, May 12, 2011


Just a quick list of things I don't want to forget.

Abby has several words that she mispronounces just enough that we find it endearing.  In fact, many of these words - Kyle and I have adopted as well.  We'll use Abby's versions more often that the correct way. Some of these are repeats - but things she still says.

Restaurant = Res-trunk
Helicopter = Hero-doctor
Salad dressing = salad dip
Trampoline = jumpoline
Baseball = catching ball
Exercise = mousekersize (thanks Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
Yankee Doodle = Yucky Doodle

The other day, Abby brought me an empty coffee mug and asked "Mommy? You wanna  pump some coffee?"  Heh.  I mean, wouldn't it be awesome if THAT'S the way things worked?

I often play classical music in the car for Abs.  Since she was a baby - it's been a good way to get her to stop crying and calm down.  Now, we use it to learn instruments.  She can usually pick out piano, guitar, flute, and long as the instrument isn't too masked with others.  What's funny is that Abby calls classical music "nice music"  She'll say "Mommy, we listen to nice music now?"  And if I change it to the top 20 or a pop station she'll say "no no nonono!  I want NICE music!"  Oh, it makes me laugh.

My uncle, Don, had this phrase that we all grew up with.  Ooby Gooby Goby Mambo Cha-cha-cha.  Now that I think about it, I have absolutely NO idea where it came from.  Jennifer? Y? Anyone want to enlighten me?  After you say it, Don would always say "...and NO smiling."  Which, of Course, was hilarious.  Abs is now a pro.  She says Ooby-Gooby all the time (well, actually she says gooby-gooby because the O alone is too tricky)  But after she's done - she looks at me and her eyes get all twinkly and she stiffles a laugh while she says "...aaaand nooooo smi-wing!"  And then when I smile back at her - she loses it and just giggles and giggles.  It's great.  And I'm sure Don is happy that this tradition has found sure and solid footing in this next generation.

In other news, she's started saying "mom and dad"  instead of mommy and daddy.  I don't really know where/how/why this started.  It's weird.  I sometimes ignore her if she says mom, or I correct her.  I'm not ready for her to be old enough to stop calling me mommy.  I mean, she's TWO.

But, it's better than calling us Wawa & Kyle....which she's tried a few times.

This morning she asked "We take daddy to work?"
I said, "yes"
Abby: "then we go shopping?"
Me: "Well, yes, we are actually"
Abby: "we go to Target?"
Me: "Yep - we are going to Target today"
Abby: "And I get ice cream? And then we pay for it? And then we get lunch at a restrunk? And then we go one more shopping?"

...and at this point, Kyle has given me "that look" that says he is both amused and concerned at our, obviously, habit forming traditions. Eh.  Could be worse.

Goodness - there's more to write, but the girls are a-stirring.  I'll try again later. :)

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