Monday, May 23, 2011

toss up

So far, today is a toss up.  Good day? Bad day?  We'll have to wait it out to see what the net gain is when bedtime rolls around.  Either way, it's been both good, and bad ways. 

Elizabeth, obviously through some sort of wizard trickery, has convinced time into telling me she is a month old now.  One month.  That's like 30 days, y'all.  Maybe it's because she's slept for 28 of them that times seems to have sped up so.  I don't know.  But, I do know I have mixed feelings about it. 

Mostly, I look forward to the end of the newborn stage.  I mean, yes, there is something sweet about snuggling with passed out baby who is smiling in her sleep at you - and I cherish those moments.  But, I know that it just gets better and better.  I enjoy the infant stage more - when they smile and interact and laugh.  Once those things start happening, I'll wish for time to slow down again.  I also look forward to her hitting the magic 6-8 week mark, as that is when we will try to keep a better schedule with her sleep.  I don't mean we'll start sleep training at that point, but just that we will do better about putting her down for more structured nap times and bed times.  Right now, she still sleeps most of the we just let her.  I suspect she'll start spending more time awake in the coming weeks. 

So, we took little E to the doctor this morning.  She's doing great.  She weighs every ounce of her 10lbs and is 23 inches long.  She's rocking some baby acne that the doc says should clear up in a few weeks...but perhaps we'll save the close up shots till after the acne clears up more.  I'm kidding...even my acne faced red blotchy skin baby is beautiful.  Duh. 

Other E news?  We graduated into size 1 diapers today - something Abs didn't mangage till she was 4 or 5 months old, ha.  She's a happy baby as long as she's not cold, hungry, or uncomfortable.  Her dark hair is falling out on top, as expected.  She still has it in the back, but I imagine that will follow soon and the blonde fuzz will take over.  She had her first bath in the tub (in the baby seat) last night and loved it.  The kid likes to be warm - she kept yawning and nearly falling asleep through the whole thing and it was kinda ridiculously cute.  Not much else to report, I mean, skills are limited at this juncture...and I've mentioned that she sleeps all the time, yes?  I'm not complaining (AT ALL) - it just doesn't make for a lot of exciting blogging, y'know?

Anyway, E did great at the doc, got a shot.  She cried for about 30 seconds until she realized, "wait, what? Is this a bottle in my mouth? Oh, well, then, nom nom nom..." And that was that.  Elizabeth is an easy baby (knock on wood)  

My two year old cries far more often than the newborn does.  *faceplant*

Abby has had a bit of a day, shall we say.  I'm going to blame part of it on the fact that she snuck out of her room and slept for several hours on the floor upstairs until she woke up at 3am saying "I just want my cat blanket!" and I put her back to bed.  I should preface all this by saying that Abby hasn't been the worst child on the planet or anything...but she's normally pretty pleasant, so when she has these bouts of defiance, agression, and constant melt downs?  I think it presents as extra irritating to me.  

I don't want to rehash every single meltdown we've had today (we'd be here for hours), but Abby has been all hot or cold today.  I walked into the living room carrying a pair of pants for Elizabeth. Abby just saw that I was carrying clothes and instantly started screaming "No no nonoNONONO! I don't WANT to get dressed now!!  NOOooooooOO!"  She threw herself on the ground, had tears flowing - the whole bit.  I said "Abby, these are not for you, these are for Elizabeth"  She pops up and says "yeah, ok" all chipper like.  Oy vey. 

While at the post office today - I finally make it up to the counter to pay for everthing.  I'm swinging E in the carrier with one hand because she's starting to get fussy.  Abby is sitting on the counter trying to grab everything within reach.  Oh, and she's covered in priority mail address stickers, which I imagine the post-office doesn't approve of, but our guy definitely gave me some of that "been there" sympathy that I get from people increasingly often.  Anyway, I'm trying to pay, and Abby takes off her jacket and throws it on the ground. I pick it up, rock E some more, give the guy my credit card - now Abby has her shirt 1/2 way off and is trying to take off a shoe.  "Abby, please stop undressing in the post office"  

When I put her in her car seat, she kept doing this scream she does just to get a reaction from me.  I was very Zen about it.  Then she starts flailing her arms at me to hit me - she very very rarely does this.  I can't even remember her doing it before (but I'm sure she has, does that make sense?)  While every piece of me wanted to yank her out of her carseat and spank her there in the parking lot - I didn't.  I ignored her.  

Anyway, it's been that kind of day.  Yet, while we've had a lot of those types of moments, she was also really well behaved at the doctor's office, she listened really well when I've asked her to do certain things, she's been a big help with, like I said, not sure where our net gain is for the day.  

Our last battle was over making a cake.  She wanted to help me, and I thought it would be fun.  Everything was going well when suddenly she flips out and runs away crying.  It took me a while, but I finally figured out she was afraid of the hand mixer.  I spent about 15 mins talking to her about it and she was still scared.  I offered to let her sit in the other room till I was done, to let her play games, to let her be on the computer, to go - she wanted nothing except to be held by mommy.  When I finally told her that I HAD to go finish the cake she cried "I just want to take a nap now!"  

Sold! Yes, I think that is a fabulous idea my dear. 

She went upstairs and I tucked her in and she (to my knowledge) is still there.  

And now that both girls are sleeping and I've finally gotten the chores done, things cleaned, the cake baked, something other than Mickey Mouse on TV, and (gasp) even a blog written...I'm feeling better about the second half of the day.  

happy one month Elizabeth Mae


REA said...

Zen isn't easy.


*Jen* said...

Virtual hugs to you & A.

