Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm tired today.

I got plenty of sleep last night, and I slept through the night - but my body was just not ready to get up this morning.  I think another 3 hours would have been what I needed.  

My body is always tired now it seems.  Tired of being big, tired of carrying this baby around, tired of not being able to move, tired of bumping into countertops and corners, tired of not being able to lay on my back - or my stomach, tired of having my organs rearranged and my bones prodded.  tired tired tired.  

So, now I'm at work, and I can barely keep my eyes open.  I have maternity-itis.  I want to be done with work and just relax - but there is still so much to get done, and so much that I won't be able to finish no matter how hard I try to squeeze everything in.  I decided that December 8th will be my last day at work even if Abigail hasn't come by then.  I could continue to work and get paid...but I need the time off, to relax, to focus, to think.  I don't think she's going to come before then.  I think she'll be two days late. 

I'm tired, but I'm ready.  One day at at time, right?


Anonymous said...

Remember....baby is easier to take care of when they're on the inside! LOL But, when she comes out you'll be so happy you will have your body back! -Kaylee

Anonymous said...

My advice...enjoy every minute of it. I only wish I could experience the inconveniences of pregnancy. :) She'll be here before you know it.

Anonymous said...

Honey, I'm still prayin for Dec. 2nd!! I'd love to share that day with my precious grandchild! Hang in there! MS

Lauren McKnight said...

I'm sending you all of my extra energy...all the way from Arkansas! I hope you have a restful night!

Anonymous said...

I think there must be a reason for the downsides. Maybe, somehow they relate to you being a better mama. Do be good to my dear daughter and rest when you can.

Love you,


