Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I tried.

I didn't want to get up today
I wanted to stay in bed
But with too much to do and so little time, 
I decided to get up instead.

I finally left the apartment
to begin on my errands galore, 
first lunch at BC (with the hubby and me)
but then came the real work in  store.

I needed to clean out our old apartment was the big task on my list for the day
3 flights of stairs, all heat and no air
was a bit daunting with a baby on the way.

But, after an hour of cleaning, 
I was sweaty and tired but done.
I lugged myself down the stairs once more
...maybe now for something fun?

Well fun is not what they had in mind
when they left me such an abomination...
there in bright orange, on the front of my car
was Laura's first parking violation.  

Are you kidding me? I've lived in Boston a year!
I've never been given a fine!
but apparently "parking more than 1 ft from the curb" 
was enough to make me pay this time.  

So, hot, smelly, tired and sad, 
I sat in the car and cried.
The gods of productivity have punished me.
All I can say is, I tried. 

Now I'm back. I'm sitting at home.  
Today was just not my day.
That's what I get for getting things done...
that's the price I pay.  

1 comment:

jennybee said...

Aw, that makes me happy (that you still write in rhymes) and sad (that it was such an icky day) all at once. Well done, even if it wasn't fun.

Maybe there must be some karmic balance between Florida and Hawaii vacations?

