Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Live from BHS

I got to work this morning and opened my computer so that I could review a report I had typed up a few days ago.  And to my lovely surprise, I found that I suddenly had a wireless signal!

Now, I have 4 ethernet ports in my little hole in the wall office here, but none are active.  I've been trying for about a year now to get one of them turned on.  So, imagine my surprise when I'm suddenly able to get online.  Yay!

Now, I know what you're thinking.  "There goes her productivity"  Well, while you might be right, I'm going to try not to let that be the case.  I'm still pretty motivated to get things done around here.  :)  

However, it is SUPER exciting for me to be able to check student records, histories, and attendance (especially attendance) online from here in my office instead of roaming the school for a free computer to use for 2 seconds.  

So, I'm happy.  

1 comment:

jennybee said...

It's funny how having something available that didn't even exist a few years ago can make such a difference, isn't it? I know exactly what you mean. Yay!

