Monday, February 11, 2013

photo shoot - A&E

I'm home on another snow day after Blizzard Nemo dumped over 2ft of snow on our world over the weekend.  More on the blizzard later.

I took the opportunity at home to actually take pictures of my girls.  I got more of Abby as this was during E's naptime...but it was fun.  I can't remember the last time I just took pictures of them just because.  I should definitely do it more often.  Besides preserving these fragile and fleeting moments of their youth - it was just a fun activity for all of us.  I apologize if the quality is off.  These have been compressed a few times to get here.

My girls.


sometimes I just can't choose between color and b&w

this is what they did when I told them to sit down

this is her real laugh

1 comment:

jennybee said...

You make lovely girls and lovely pictures of them.

