Wednesday, May 21, 2008


kchwooh kchwooh.  

If you can make that sound the way I tried to make it spell, then that's pretty much what a doppler heartbeat sounds like.  Very much like a fast pulse of wind in an already very windy tunnel.  

Kyle and I went to the doctor today to hear this new sound for the first time.  Our appointment was short and sweet.  The doctor updated me on my previous blood work.  For the first time in my life, I know that I am A-negative.  I also now know that I am, in the doctors words, "immune to all the right things and none of the wrong things"  So, that sounded like a good thing.

A small dallop of cold goo and a magic wand later, we could hear the quick thump thump of our little poppy's heartbeat.  I told Kyle it sounded like an airplane about to take off.  The doctor estimated the beats at 160 beats per minute...but her clock wasn't working, so it's really just her educated guess.  Either way, it was loud and clear.  

After a little bit, little poppy decided that his privacy had been invaded enough and decided to swim to a quieter corner of the world where we couldn't hear him anymore.  (disclaimer: I use the pronoun "him" because it's easier than "it" and my English teacher once taught me to use "him" when in doubt...we Don't know the gender yet)  

So, I didn't get all smaltzy.  I didn't cry.  But, I did smile really big.  It's nice to know that there really is something in there, and that it's not all in my imagination.  

We go back next Thursday for our first ultrasound that will check for birth defects (this is where we find out if that tail managed to recede according to plan ;-D )  I'm super looking forward to getting to see the little thing.  


jennybee said...

yay! Happy auntly feelings bubbling up...

Though I really can't pronounce that heartbeat sound you wrote. It looks Polish or Welsh or something.

hannah said...

i feel like i should forward this to mrs. kirtley. she would be so proud!

i'm so happy for you and kyle! the adventure has just begun!

