Wednesday, May 28, 2008

memorial weekend

Sorry this is a few days behind...

Last weekend was memorial day weekend, which, of course means 3 days of no school or work.  Yay!  Kyle and I hadn't made any plans for the weekend, which was nice in it's own way.  Let me just start by saying that the weather was Amazing!  It was absolutely beautiful the whole weekend.  I loved it.  I soaked up the sun like I'd never seen it before.  It was great. 

On Saturday, we took it easy.  We eventually drove out to a suburb about 45 mins away to do a little shopping.  That was fun.  I looked at maternity clothes for the first time (and bought a few things) Kyle got some clothes he needed too.  After clothes shopping, we both decided that it was time to enter the grand doors to Babies R' Us.  We'd been avoiding it.  Not because we're not excited, but because it's a whole store of baby things...and, well, the idea was a little overwhelming.  We decided, however, that we could brave it together better than alone, and that as long as we held hands and stuck to the perimeter of the store...that we couldn't get too lost.  It was actually a pretty educational browsing trip.  I mean, how else to know the price ranges of crib bumpers?  

Well, we left there and had a nice dinner and came home.  


Sunday we ran a few errands and ended up taking a train into downtown to look for a jersey Kyle was dying for.  We couldn't find it (he was soooo sad).  I decided that the day was too pretty to just go home, so we walked down to the Charles and walked several miles along it's bank back toward our section of town.  It was great.  There were so many people out, and animals, and kids, and sailboats, and sunshine.  It was really nice.  I also loved the time just walking with Kyle and talking about life.  We also got to see a goose struggle to catch, and then eat, a snake in the water.  Fascinating.  :-)
Anyway, Monday we hung out with some BC friends who grilled yummy food and then I watched like 12 episodes of "Jon and Kate plus 8"  No, I'm not exaggerating...I seriously watched like 6 hours of that show.  And, if you haven't seen should.  It's fascinating as well.  Also, after watching this woman raise 6 year old twins AND 3 year old sextuplets...I really feel amazingly confident in any parenting I'll be required to do.  It's a good show. 

Tomorrow is our first ultrasound, so hopefully I'll have something to show for it.  :-)  I'll keep ya posted.  Happy Summer!

PS: Kyle eventually found that jersey he was dying for after a second trip to the burbs.  He was like a little boy at his first baseball game. 

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