Wednesday, May 7, 2008

seeing stars

Today was our first OB appointment.  We didn't get to do anything exciting...we go back in a couple of weeks to see if we can hear a heartbeat and a few more weeks after that before we get to do an ultrasound.  So, that was a little disappointing.  The office was running behind, so we did a lot of waiting.  However, the doctor was super nice and she seems like she'll be a good doctor, and I think I'll get along with her just fine.  She's very maybe the high school cheerleader type.  

Anyway, I knew I might have to get blood work done, but had been secretly hoping all week that they would tell me that it wasn't really necessary.  I don't do well with blood.  Never have.  I've never been able to give blood, and have a really hard time even watching other people do it.  I don't know which bothers me the most, the actual needle, or the sensation of having the blood taken from me.  It's probably a strong combination of both.  The last time I had blood drawn, when I was sick that time in Jr. High, I ended up in a wheelchair for about half an hour.  

So, when the doctor said she would give me a slip to go get my blood drawn downstairs.  I looked at Kyle and gave a nervous laugh.  I decided that I could beat this.  People get blood drawn all the time, I just needed to take my big girl pill and pretend that it's a routine process for me.  

We get to the office, I sit in the chair.  She ties the rubber thing around my arm and starts feeling for the vein...that's when it started.  My heart sped up.  I decided it would be best to close my eyes.  I heard her getting things ready and then I felt the prick.  Everything in me went tense.  I didn't open my eyes.  About 3 seconds later I felt my heart skipping beats and an instantaneous cold sweat broke out.  I was lightheaded and felt nauseous.  The nurse kept asking if I was ok.  I said yes at first...until I felt that it was too much effort to speak.  I opened my eyes for a second to make sure Kyle was still there.  My field of vision started filling up with black...starting at the bottom.  About half way up, I closed my eyes again and only saw bright star like splotches of light.  Very pretty, but never a good sign.  Now my head was falling forward as it slipped off my supportive hand.  I was vaguely aware of the nurse saying things, but could only mutter that I needed to lay down in between my apologies for being such a wimp.  She put a cold cloth on my forhead and neck and held my head for a while...and I remember thinking that she was a wonderful lady.  After a little bit, I felt ok to get up.

Whew.  I had survived.  I stumbled in to the adjacent waiting room and collapsed in a chair.  10 mins later, I was ok...just Kyle and I headed down to the cafeteria to celebrate my escape from death.  

Kyle took the picture above before we left for lunch...the sad thing is that I had been regaining color for about 10 mins at that point.  I know, I know...not my most flattering angle. 

I hate being a wimp.  I need blood giving therapy.  I think I have to do this again in a few weeks.  This little poppy in me had best appreciate this.  

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