Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I thought I would try my hand at a list of things I don't want to forget about this pregnancy.  I've been told that pregnancy causes you to loose function of 10% of your, I'd best do this while I'm thinking about it.  I'm sure there will be more lists later, this is just for starters. :)

1.  Looking into the mirror after getting the plus sign and not recognizing myself.
2. The way that, while totally still freaked out, Kyle insisted we go buy prenatal vitamins that night. 
3. When Kyle and I were both very sick, but he still took care of me through all the morning sickness, nausea, and fever.  How he put so much time into making me dinner every night, never deterred by the fact that I could never eat it. 
4. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time and smiling...and watching Kyle smile.
5. Riding the T home and thinking "Did I just feel the baby kick for the first time, or was that the burrito I just ate?"
5. Seeing the ultrasound and how strange it was to see her kick and feel it at the same time.  
6. Flying to Florida and feeling her kick super hard for the first time.
7.  Flying to Hawaii and deciding on the name Abigail with Kyle.  I kept looking out the window at the clouds thinking in my head "Hi Abigail, now you have a name.  I'm mom.  Nice to meet you"
8. Watching myself slowly outgrow my taekwondo uniform and wearing Kyle's old belt when mine stopped fitting.  
9. The way that Abigail can be having her own little dance party, but the moment Kyle puts his hand on my belly, all stops.  He calms her. 
10.  All the quiet moments at home, in my office, or elsewhere when I just rub my belly and think sweet and loving thoughts- totally convinced that Abigail hears them.


Anonymous said...

This post has me in tears! Awww you guys, can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Uh....duh that was from me....Kaylee

jennybee said...

Beautiful list. Ben thought so, too. The burrito one made him laugh out loud.

