Friday, September 12, 2008

glucose & rhogam

Just an update.

We went yesterday and I had my glucose screening.  This consists of me chugging a bottle of orange sugary stuff (tasted yummy, actually) and then getting my blood drawn an hour later to check for gestational diabetes.  I'm becoming a pro at this blood drawing stuff...I mean, as long as I don't see the needle, or the blood, and keep my eyes and ears focused on whatever Kyle is doing to try to distract me, then I only break out into a very small sweat.  :)

Then, we went and saw the doc.  I'm not telling how much I gained this month...but let's just say that I can't have any more ice cream for a while.  On a happier note, my blood pressure was great and my big ol' belly was measuring perfect at 27 weeks.  Abigail had the hiccups on the doppler...which I'm pretty sure is a result of chugging the orange syrup.  

After doc, I went to go get my rhogam shot.  This is the shot I have to get because Kyle and I have different blood types, and since we don't know which one little Abby is inheriting...I get a shot just to make sure there's no fighting about it.  I can't remember the last time I had a shot.  I won't lie...I didn't like it.  It did not last long and wasn't that bad...but, it still smarted.  

However, I just tell myself that this whole needle thing is something I'm going to have to get over. 

Last observation: I had to go to labor and delivery to get my shot, so I got to see where we'll be going when Abigail decides to make her debut.  They had me wait in one of the empty delivery rooms.  It was VERY strange to sit in there and imagine that in a few short months, I'll be the one on the bed screaming at the smiley chart of pain indicators.  I looked at the little baby cart and tried to imagine what it will be like to see the nurses and doctors cleaning and measuring Abigail for the first time.  It suffices to say that it was a bit overwhelming.   


Ben and Bethany said...

awww - and you just can't imagine what it will be like...just can't imagine :)

Anonymous said...

Ah my dear there is absolutely no need for screaming. Just grit your teeth, you can handle it!!!

