Sunday, May 27, 2012


I've got to get my blog act in gear.  Seriously.  It stresses me out that I'm not blogging about the girls in a more regular way.  I need to remember that these blogs don't have to be long or profound - but I need to remember the little things, and right now, that's not happening.

I have a lot of pictures to share, but my computer email is not working right and it's too much effort to get them on here right now.  So, boo on that.

I just got back from the gym.  I ran 5 miles today, which is something I've never done before.  It feels good to reach a new milestone.  I'm not very fast, and I know running on a treadmill is very different than running outside, but I'm still proud of it.  I've never run for an hour before, but I felt good doing it. :)

The girls are good.  Kyle is running with Abby right now - and she loves going with him.  Today she begged him "Daddy?  Can I just run with you on the sidewalk?  Just like you? I want to run WITH you!"  It was sweet - she so loves it and it makes me happy that we (are trying to) set an example and to make exercising a normal part of our life.  Kyle said he'd let Abby run the last few blocks home.  So, she made sure she wore her running shoes and running shorts to be prepared.  And she made sure she had her water bottle.  It was cute.

E is a snotty little mess today.  She has license to be in a much worse mood than she's actually been - I know she doesn't feel well.  She cut 4 teeth in the last week or so and I think I can see her back molar coming in.  She's been in an ok mood - just really....gooey.

Little miss mae is also starting to say more words.  Most of them are still more approximations that real words, but they are becoming increasingly recognizable.  "Nigh-Nigh" is one of her better ones.  Today she said "Aah-Buh" for apple and she says "Baa-baa" for both Abby and Baby.  She can neigh like a horse like a champ.  She says mama and dada and nee-nee well, and gives kisses, waves bye, and - my favorite- cuddles.  The cuddling is the best.  She just nestles her head on your shoulder or under your arm and begs to be pet.

The girls are a lot of fun right now.  It's a great age.  They play well together - I can already see how much E idolizes Abby.  She adores her.

What else?

Kyle's birthday was this week.  We kept things fairly low-key.  We grilled out for him and that was nice.  We recently revamped our deck area and so now we actually have a nice space to hang out back there.  Abby and I have planted squash plants, cucumber, and tomatoes.  We have our avocado tree and some snapdragons.  It all makes me happy.  If any of our veggie plants produce anything edible, I'll be shocked and probably be posting a lot of pictures of it.  Be prepared.  Our squash is growing at the speed of light.

I'm looking forward to having tomorrow off to spend with the family.  I still have a month of school left, but summer is definitely in sight!  I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baba fed Baba strawberry pieces.


