Wednesday, January 9, 2013

do-over Tuesday

It's important to have bad days.  Right?  That way you appreciate the good ones.  That's what I kept telling myself yesterday.

To start, I have a cold.  I don't know if pregnancy colds are worse than regular ones, but you can't take much more than Tylenol (which is a joke) to relieve your symptoms.  Yesterday was day 3 or 4 of said cold - and so my threshold for dealing with stuff was lowered.  Y'know - when your face hurts and your teeth hurt and you blow your nose every 3 seconds and your eyes are red and watery and you can't taste anything?  It really makes you less....patient.  In general.

So, I went to work and spent 2 hours working on the same document.  Sneezing once a minute.  Every time, both my interns would say "bless you"  and I started feeling guilty for making them bless me so much.  I had to drive to our central office that day, so I decided to go early so that I could get home a little earlier.  Packed up my stuff and headed out.

While walking down the hallway, I got stalled behind a group of high school boys.  They were chatting in Spanish, sauntering.  I thought "why aren't they in class?" but decided to leave it be as I was about 5 steps from the exit and I wanted to leave.  I cut through the group to get past them and as I did they broke out into a fist fight - with me - literally- caught in the middle.

I suppose if I spoke Spanish, maybe I would have had a heads up that they were not on friendly terms.  Who knows.  I half tried to break it up and half just yelled at them.  It wasn't too long before our friendly PO was there and handcuffing the boys and everyone was carted off for questioning.  Boys.  The whole thing made me angry.  If you're going to fight - don't do it at school.  Don't do it while some lady is walking past you.  I got shoved around and hit by flying arms and elbows but was totally fine.  Just angry.

So, I left.  Started to drive to the office.  I kept getting emails from a parent who is....high maintenance? I'm not going to get into specifics here, but let's just say that she wanted me to fix a problem that wasn't a problem...and that the whole thing was confusing and time consuming.

Eventually, I headed home.  I stopped at the grocery store.  I bought myself a pity-cup of ice cream.  One of the individual sizes.  I got to the car and opened my Rocky Road and realized I left my spoon in the store.  No worries, I have no shame, I started eating it ice cream cone style.  Just straight up licking it.  Problem is, I got to a point I couldn't reach.  No shame.  I'll use my finger.  So, here I am - my finger is throbbing in pain because it is so cold and I'm shoveling ice cream in my mouth in the store parking lot.  And here's the kicker...I couldn't even taste it.  Not one bit.  UGH.

I went and picked up the mail we had held over vacation and headed home.  Chatted with Jen, and started going through the mail.

ER visit bill.  Expected.  EZ Pass violation bill.  Expected (and we're appealing that).  Blood Work Bill.  Unexpected.  $800 freaking dollars of unexpected.  Here's what went down last month:

Ultrasound Doctor: There are some abnormalities in the unltrasound, do you want a harmony test?  It's non-invasive, very accurate, and new.
Me: Will it cost anything?
Doctor: No, no, no.  Insurance will cover it, we can put it in a certain way to make sure.
Me: Ok then, if it's free - sure.

It was not free. My insurance does NOT cover it.

I sobbed. (keep in mind my lowered threshold for stress in general).  I called around.  End result is - we wait 45 days for insurance to offically reject it and then I try to appeal it.  But man, I was LIVID.  How dare they tell me with such confidence that it was covered..and how dare I take their word for it.  Livid.

I left the house, tears still on my face, to take the girls to playgroup...and hour late.  Envelope on my doorstep.  Water bill.

Eventually, we went to pick up Kyle and came home.  Kyle made the girls dinner - I swallowed some tasteless chicken soup.  Decided to take a Benadryl to knock me out - and it did.

That day was kinda sucky.

But, I will tell you one moment of light I had.  I was in my room, just off the phone with my insurance company and trying to hide my blatant sobbing from Abby....which is of course impossible.  Toddlers pick up everything.  Abby came and hugged my leg and gave me a kiss and said "Mommy, I just love you."  My brain said "$800 is nothing compared to her.  Look at her.  Look at how blessed you are"

And my brain is right, of course.  This too shall pass.  And today was already a better one.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I would've cried over the unexpected bill too. And been livid at the fact it you were told it wouldn't exist. I think my doctor's office would've gotten a piece of my mind. You probably did that too. But I hope the following days are better. There's nothing worse than a cold during pregnancy AND the hormones that cause our emotions to be uncontrollable sometimes. Hugs!

