Friday, September 26, 2008


It's that time of year again!  The time of year that they started advertising in June...or maybe before.  Season Premiers abound.  

Last night, we had a few people over for an Office watch party.  I had a lot of fun.  People brought snacks, and I made a veggie tray.  We had beets from Schrutes Beet Farm, Dunder Mifflin paper plates, pictures of the characters taped up with other decor...oh, and post-it notes with quotes from the show all over the place.  I forgot to take pictures, but it was fun.  Well, here's one picture of my paper clip garland...we added cutouts to it later.  Yeah, not the most exciting picture in the world, but you get the idea.

Anyway, after everyone left, Kyle and I settled in for ER and Grey's Anatomy.  I don't know if any of you readers follow ER or not, but after taking about a...oh, I dunno...6 year hiatus, Kyle and I started watching it again a couple of years ago.  This is its last season and I won't tell you what happened, but I will tell you that I basically cried through the whole thing.  Even Kyle paused the show at one point and turned to me and said, "I think I need a hug"  I agreed...and after our brief hug break, we finished the show.Grey's, of course, was very Grey-ish.  I'm looking forward to the season.  There are all the other shows to look forward to as well!  Yay for TiVo!  

Tonight is the presidential debate!  Kyle and I started a tradition before we started dating I think of watching all presidential, primary, or VP debates while eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream. So, while I'm of course invested in our political system and what the candidates have to say - I'm also super psyched about the Phish Food in the fridge.  :)

In other news:
It is Cold and rainy up here today...which is gross when you have to go to work, but not so bad when you get to curl up at home.
Oh, and Kyle wins a gold star and a pat-pat for being a super huzby and talking to our management.  He convinced them to let us move into our new apartment a week early so I could "start setting up the nursery a few days sooner"  :-)  Yay!  So, now we're moving on October 19th I think.  

That's all for now...gotta get ready for the debate!

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