Wednesday, August 14, 2013


At the most random moments, it hits me, like a bag of bricks...but happier - that I have three THREE wonderful girls.  It's incredible.


How did I get so lucky to have them entrusted to me?

I have no idea, but they fill me with so much joy that I could burst - and I hope they know that somehow.  I hope they know they mean the world to me.

Abby is growing up so quickly. It pains and excites me to watch her blossom into an amazing girl. I'm so proud of her.  She is so kind and empathetic...and sometimes bossy - but just the way a big sister is supposed to be.  She's protective.

Elizabeth amuses me with her antics and completely melts me with her eye-squinting grin.  She gives the BEST hugs.  She hugs with everything she's got.  She impresses me with her physical skills and keeps me laughing with her general craziness

Madeline nestles quietly into the crook of my arm, buries her nose in my sleeve and relaxes.  She stretches every limb when she's unswaddled, blinks 10 times, looks at me and grins. She is nothing but sweet and easy and soft and she smells like honey.  She makes my heart palpitate with gratitude. I have to restrain myself from kissing her all day.

This life I have - even with it's stressors and day to day parenting battles, financial woes, and hard moments - is fantastic.  I'm so thankful for it.  May I never take a day for granted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my <3 -> : ). love you laura. you're an amazing momma.

-- kikki

