Wednesday, November 26, 2008

giving thanks

I don't know if I'll have time to write tomorrow - and since I have a little time right now, I thought I'd take this moment to reflect on some things that I'm thankful for.  

I am thankful for my job.  I know not everyone is so lucky as to have a job that they enjoy...or to have one at all.  I'm blessed to work with good people in a good department and to do work that helps kids.  It can be very rewarding.  I'm blessed to have a job that pays well enough that Kyle and I can make ends meet.  While we do not live an extravagant lifestyle, we are comfortable - and we try not to take that for granted.   And, on top of all of that, I somehow managed to be assigned to a school that is less than 2 miles from where I live...and in Boston, that's a big deal.  I'm thankful for my job.

I'm thankful for my friends and my family.  No words will express how much I value the relationships in my life.  I couldn't survive without them.  I always feel supported and loved - and always have...which again, is something I know not everyone is as privileged to experience. Specifically, I'd like to thank my own parents.  I have never been very good at telling them how much they mean to me.  How much I really truly love them, and how thankful I am for all the sacrifices they have made for me.  How they sometimes make my heart swell to the bursting point with love I have for them both.   They are both such amazing people...with so many talents.  When I think about becoming a parent myself - I only hope to be a fraction of what my parents have been for me.  I know I don't always express it well, or often enough, but I want them (and everyone) to know that they have always meant the world to me- and always will.  I'm thankful for my friends and my family.

I'm thankful for Kyle.  Of course.  I'm so extremely proud to be his wife.  I'm lucky to have a best friend in my husband.  Somebody that I not only love with every part of what I am, but somebody that I genuinely Like to be around too.  I love being around Kyle.  He makes me laugh, he makes me think, he makes me happy.  He takes care of me and loves me - even when I'm grouchy and hormonal.  He knows how to calm me when I'm upset.  He's so smart.  When I'm with Kyle, I feel that we could do anything.  He gives me a confidence that I didn't used to have.  I love what we are together and am so blessed to have him as a husband - and I can't wait to see him as a father.  I'm so thankful for Kyle.

When I look at my life - at the big picture - I'm so humbled by my good fortune.  What did I do to deserve all of this?  Nothing.  I try to never take these things for granted.  And yet, I'm sure I do - and often.  Days like Thanksgiving are just reminders to reflect....but we should reflect more than just on the holidays.  I have a great life - and I'm thankful for everyone who has been a part of it.  

May all your days be blessed. 

1 comment:

jennybee said...

OK, can I just copy the paragraph about family and the one about Kyle (substituting Ben) and post it to my blog? : )

Well said. Ditto ditto ditto.

(and I'm thankful you have all those good things in your life, too)

