Friday, November 14, 2008

movie alphabet thing

My sister tagged me in this little game. You find a movie for each letter of the alphabet. These are movies that you like and could watch at any given moment. (a complete list of the rules can be found on her blog)

...Ok, I've been working on this list for like 3 days. There are some letters that do not have movies that I have seen. I have chosen to leave these blank instead of trying to pull something together. Let me know if you have any good ideas. There are also lots of movies that I love that I couldn't include because their letter was already taken.

Tag yourself if you think you can fill out a whole list - it's harder than you might think. And Jennifer, I didn't even cheat off of your list! :-)

Apollo 13
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Dances with Wolves
Edward Sissorhands
Finding Neverland
Green Mile
Harry Potter (any of them)
I am Sam
Little Mermaid
Moulin Rouge
Office Space
Practical Magic
Shawshank Redemption
While you were sleeping


jennybee said...

It is frustrating how many movies I love start with S, P, M, etc. and how few start with Q, X, Z...Good job getting this many filled in.

If you see and like the new Bond film (not exactly a Laura film, but you never know), you could add Quantum of Solace.

Under the Tuscan Sun seems like a movie you would like, but maybe you never saw it.

And aren't you the person who suggested I see You Can't Take It With You as the ultimate Armstrong film? Or do I have that backwards? I get us mixed up sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, It was very sweet of you to write. Man, we are only 5 days apart with this pregnancy thing! They are just inducing me about 38 1/2 weeks. That's neat that you have been keeping up with me, I will have to do the same with you now! Anyway, good luck to you...and thanks again for the sweet note.

Anonymous said...

The Village could be a good one to fill in. And, although I haven't seen it, my mom left an Unfinished Life for me to watch this summer...maybe I'll get to that someday! ;)

