Sunday, July 13, 2008

1 year

Wow.  I cannot believe that Kyle and I have been married for a year.  It has been such an adventure that time has flown by!  It feels like our wedding was...maybe 3 months ago.  Yeah, that seems more logical.  

One year ago, I had certain expectations  for our marriage.  I knew we were moving to Boston, I knew Kyle would be a good husband, I knew I would do my best to be a good wife.  But, now, I can say that Kyle has exceeded all of my expectations this year.  He's gone above and beyond to be a really great husband.  I've loved every single moment of it.  

I love being married.  I love that Kyle and I can communicate in a million different ways.  Through words, looks, vibes.  We get eachother.  The more time I spend with him, the more I love what we are together.  I love that Kyle makes me feel that I could do anything.  He gives me confidence.  As cliche as I know it sounds, I truly feel that there is little we couldn't do if we set it as a goal.  I am so very Proud that Kyle is my husband. 

So, for memories sake, I want to list a few memorable things about the past year.
Moving to Boston - our first apartment that didn't have enough electricity to run the toaster AND the microwave at the same time - learning about snow - cuddling under blankets watching TV when we couldn't figure out how to work the heater - learning the city together and seeing the sites - making my first pot roast - decorating our skinny wal-mart christmas tree, and loving it - being hired as a full time employee - buying our first red sox shirts and finding a bar to watch the world series in - doing taekwondo together and meeting a new region of friends - moving into our new apartment and loving it - shopping for our first real furniture - eating ben&jerry's ice cream while watching the primary debates - watching Apple keynote presentations together - buying our first computer together - a hug every morning, afternoon, and night - kyle taking care of me, and me of him, when we were both very sick - April fool's day - our growing excitement about this child.

Words cannot express how much I love Kyle, or how overflowing with happiness I am at our life together.  I'm just bursting at the seams with gratitude, excitement, and wonderment at what our lives are...and what they will become. 



Anonymous said...

Wow! Your life together has been the stuff of very graciously answered prayers! Roger and I love you so much! Happy anniversary!


hannah said...

your wedding was beautiful. and it feels like i was just there. only 3 months ago! :)

we've been so blessed laura. you already know this. this baby is going to be so blessed. what wonderful parents he or she will have.

but never fool yourself into thinking that it's just happening this way. you both work hard for it to work. and you deserve the credit.

have a wonderful week. much love.

Ben and Bethany said...

yay for an anniversary! Marriage is the of luck for many more great years together :)

