Monday, July 21, 2008


I went to mass on Sunday with Kyle and his mother.  We went to the local church not too far from where we're staying.  

When it came time for communion, I went up like always and got my wafer and stood in line for my sip of wine (yes, I know, it's Jesus, but it still tastes like wine.)  I took the cup from the lady serving it and as I was tipping the cup to take a sip...she crossed my belly.  She made the sign of the cross right over my belly button.  It threw me off so much that I forgot to take a drink and just looked up quick like "what?"  

Then I was kinda happy that she could tell I was pregnant, and I thought it was actually kind of sweet for her to bless the baby like that.  The whole thing ended up giving me the giggles.  So, as I sat back down at the kneelers, I leaned over to Kyle and told him that I missed my weekly wine ration because the lady confused me.  Then I tried to pray, but I was really just giggling on the inside.  

I'm seriously like 4 years old sometimes.  

So anyway, now before a meal when we say grace, I'll cross myself at the end and then Kyle will cross my belly.  It makes me happy.

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