Thursday, July 3, 2008


Well, we are back in Boston now after a whirlwind week in Arkansas.  We were able to visit lots of folks, meet new folks, help my parents move into their new local/house/church, Kyle tested for his 5th degree (a whole post within itself) and we ran around doing things here and there.  

Overall, the trip was good.  Busy, but good. 

We had a fun time getting down there and back.  I'll give you the short version.  On the way down, our plane from Memphis to Little Rock (a 28 min flight) was cancelled after we sat on the plane for nearly 2 hours waiting for them to fix a flap on the wing.  Apparently maintenance was off duty and not coming.  All the planes were booked for 2 days solid, so their solution was to put us all on buses and drive us to Little Rock.  Yes.  Buses.  So, instead of getting in at 8pm, it was nearly 1am.  Kyle, being a super huzby, called the airlines and got us partial refunds and better vouchers than those offered in Memphis.  

Coming back was fun too.  Apparently good 'ol Bush was in the area and we had to wait in our plane until Air Force One was safely up up and away.  This delayed our flight, which meant that we missed our connection (and last flight to boston for the night) in Detroit.  Well, I'd always dreamed of staying a night in Detroit.  In the end, it was actually nice.  We got a free night in a nice 5 star hotel, free dinner, a great breakfast and Kyle didn't have to work the next day.  As my sister put, it was like a mini stimulus package from Georgey-boy.  

As already stated, we obviously made it to Boston.  I'm officially on summer vacation now, Kyle is starting summer school next week and so our schedules are changing.  It's good to be back.

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