my blog. my made up words. :)
In fact, it may even snow on Abby's birthday - which would be kinda neat in that "Oh, look, snow is so pretty, but I hope the guests can still drive in" kinda way.
I think the reason it takes a year to turn one is because that's how long us moms need to cope with the idea. :) I'm coming around. Honestly, I feel like Abby is already one - she's certainly no longer a baby. The party will be just that - a celebration to acknowledge the fact that she's growing up.
Kyle and I have had very busy weeks and I'm afraid that the next few weeks before Christmas are going to be my busiest yet. In sum, I have a month's worth of cases to get done in a week. And yes, it's just as busy as that sounds like it would be. We've found ourself discussing Abby whenever we get a moment to talk. I'll pick him up from work and drive him to class and we'll discuss when we want to start giving Abby milk and how to wean her off of bottles. I'll see him for 10 mins before I leave for work in the morning, and I spend that time telling him about all the cute things Abby did yesterday. Right before bed, I might remember to tell him about the party food plans. So, even though we still are mainly ships passing, we make a point to share as much as we can to each other.
Hopefully next semester will be a little lighter for us both.
Anyway, I forget what I wanted to say originally now....oh, about her party maybe. Just that I'm very much looking forward to it, and that she's grown up so much over the past few weeks.
Abby has added a lot of new inflections to her voice now. Really, it seems like she has the inflections of conversation down pat - we just need to work on words. And sometimes, it sounds like she's saying words, and then I'm not sure if she's *really* saying them or not. Like yesterday, she wanted me to carry her around and she kept pointing at things and saying "Whassis" - which, of courses, sounds like "what's this?"
She really tries to say "yellow duck" every time she sees the picture in her book. And we've recently discovered that she loves snowmen! Loves. She has a book with a picture of one and she tries to say "Sssssshoan" when ever she sees it. The other day, a picture of a snowman came on the tv and Abby FLIPPED. She was all bouncing up and down and pointing and yelling - making it very clear that what she was saying was "omg! Do you see it? Mom! Do you see it??? It's a snowman!" So, of course, I started looking through her books for other snowmen pictures and she points them out everytime.
I have NO idea why she likes them so much. It's pretty random... but I'm kinda looking forward to maybe building her one this year.
What else? She hates water. I tried to replace her juice with water and she gives you this look as if she's completely disgusted. She sticks out her tongue and throws the cup away. We're working on it.
She's also changing her naps -I'm kinda thinking she's trying to go down to one nap - but I feel that it's kinda too soon for one nap. Either way, she's going down later for her 1st nap - around 10:30 instead of 9. I'm trying to get her to go down again at 3, but she doesn't like it. I need to go look at my sleep book again.
Oh - this was funny. We don't have cabinet locks (yet) so we've been telling Abby "no" and shaking our head when she tries to get into them (or anything else she's not supposed to get into) So now she does this thing where she will point at it, look at you, and slowly shake her head. And she won't touch them. So yesterday, I'm getting out a pan from our cabinet and it's kinda stuck, so I've got my head in the cabinet and Abby comes up from behind me and slams the door on me. I get out and look at her and she's sitting there pointing at the cabinet door shaking her head "no" Hahaha. Hilarious. She's like a guard baby.
All righty, enough random ramblidge for one morning. We're going out later today to look for cabinet locks and some other muchly needed things. I hope you have a great Saturday.
Oh, one more thing - my blog friend Tanna lost her sister in law last night to a hard fought battle with cancer. She was very young and its very tragic. I now many of you follow her blog as well, and even if you don't, I know she and her family would appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this really difficult time.
Ok. I'll leave you with a few pictures off the phone.
Kyle picked out this adidas suit for Abby when she was 2 weeks old. He's been looking forward to the day she can wear it for a year now - and today it made its debut. We just thought the wii tennis racket was the perfect touch.

diaper head

bed head. :)

Penny's also trying to downgrade to one nap... I wanted to wait but sometimes forcing another nap is more hassle than it's worth. She generally takes a 2 hour afternoon nap, plus 11 hours at night puts her at 13 for the day which is right on target. But still, two naps is nice for mommies.
Love the cabinet story!
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