Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I know, I've been MIA.

My sister and brother in law are visiting this week - it's been great, and we've kept busy.  Add to that the whole mom thing, and we've kept really busy.  When the end of the day rolls around, and both kids are asleep, and I have a second to sit down and relax - I've been spending that time with my sister instead of blogging.  I tell myself "I'll blog during nap time" or "I'll just post a quick update from my phone"  And, maybe I'll figure out that too - but for now - I just haven't been able to find the time.

But, I need to figure it out, because blogging *IS* how I relax and unwind most nights.  So, I feel kinda weird if I go too long without posting anything.

I have pictures on my camera that I need to upload.

And I have things to document from Jennifer and Ben's visit.

And general day-to-day blatherings.

...but, tonight?  This is just me saying hi...and to let you know I haven't completely vanished.  Because I need to sleep, but I still have things to do before my head hits a pillow.  So, I'm off to it.

1 comment:

REA said...

I'm glad to here from you.


