Tuesday, September 27, 2011

the 25th

So this past Sunday was a fun day for us.  It was Brittany's birthday, and she shared it with E turning 5 months old.  It's only normal that Brittany would share her day.  It was, of course, her twin sister's birthday and her dad's as well.  The 25th is a big day in this family.  ;)

We started the day with a mini breakfast party for Brit.  We went with a rock star theme, because we think she...rocks.  We had banana nut muffins and coffee, opened presents and sang Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.  It was fun...and, well, I love any excuse to decorate and celebrate.  Matching napkins and plates?  I'm in. 

After our breakfast party, we all got ready and went to church.  E was fussy the whole time (she was battling the runny nose thing) and I spent a lot of the service just walking with her downstairs. After church, we made a quick trip to whole foods to grab some stuff to share at the annual church picnic.  How nice of them to have a party just for Brit and E! ;)

The picnic was nice.  It was unseasonably warm and humid, but we survived.  We all ate some yummy food and then ate some more food.  Abby danced her heart out and attempted to play "Jolly-ball" with some girls who set up a net.  They were sweet and let her play for a bit.  I taught Abby how to roll down a grass hill - and that was fun. 

Abs was a dirty, sweaty mess by the end of it.  We kept waiting around to see if they were going to do pony rides again this year, but we gave up and left.  On the way to the car, we found they'd brought a fire truck for the kids to explore.  Abby was equal parts interested and intimidated.  She was happy to touch it and she even wore the big heavy fireman's hat, but she refused to explore the inside, stating "No no no! This one is too big!  We just need a small firetruck for me!"  

We got in the car and as we were leaving the church - we saw that the ponies HAD come.  Well, Abby saw them and she said in her sweetest honey-dripped voice "Daddy!  Please can I ride the pony, Pleeeeeaaaase????"  So, yeah.  

We waited in line forever and a day.  They were the same two ponies they had last year.  A big one and a small one.  Well, Abby declared she only wanted to ride the big one (just like every other little girl in line).  So, we waited and waited.  Eventually, the little pony had no more takers - so we let E jump up there.  

here's Abs on the same horse last year :)
funny, no?

Shortly after, it was Abby's turn, and she was just SO pleased.

She was really sad to leave.  She kept asking if we could do it again, and we really could have let her - but we'd been there for an hour or so AFTER we'd decided to leave and it was well past naptime.  Plus, it was hot.  Well, she just cried and begged and cried, "Pwease, I want to wide the pony again! Pwease!"  Sigh.  

The rest of the day was just us relaxing and working around the house on stuff.  It was a good day, and I was happy that we got to celebrate Brit's birthday with her in person. 


Linda said...

I still remember my pony rides when I was little. It was/is a favorite. So glad your girls got to do this. E looks so cute ponyback.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for making "my baby's" day so special! She really had a blast with her Boston family. You sure know how to do it up in style, Laura! I love the little ones on the pony!



Mom of 2 boys said...

Oh my gosh ... I know I've seen many, many pictures of Abby over the past year and I *know* she's getting so big ... but to see the before and after together is just amazing! Such a beautiful young lady she's turning into!

