Wednesday, March 11, 2009

time management

I told Kyle that we couldn't go another day without going to the grocery store.  That was a week and a half ago.

We've been running pretty low for a while on the basics.  Y'know - like milk, bread, eggs...brownies.  :)

This is one of those moments when you realize that your baby has changed your life.  It took me over a week to find time to go to the store and get milk.  Sad, I know.  But, what do you do?  I'm at work all morning and have to come home right after so that the nanny can go.  When I get home, Abs is asleep, so I wait on her to wake up and feed her.  Now, at this point, there is a small window of opportunity where I could get her ready and take her to the store.  BUT, it's been gross outside - cold and rainy and snowy and by the time this window of opportunity comes around, I'm in my sweatpants and comfy socks and not in the mood to venture "back out"  Pretty soon it's time for another nap for Abby anyway, and then I start getting dinner ready. Kyle gets home, feeds the baby and puts her down for the night, and then we eat dinner, maybe watch a show or two, and it's time for bed.  

People ask me all the time "so, do you even remember what you did before you had a baby?"  And my answer is "nope, not really"  I mean, What did I do with all my spare time?  I guess I was just that much lazier?  Well, I dunno, at least I didn't go a week without milk or bread in the house.  It's just different now.  

Abby slept a little over 13 hours straight last night.  I woke her up this morning.  That's be the one waking the baby.  And no, I don't usually wake her up just for the sake of waking her - but I wanted to feed her before I left.  I've been late (not by a lot) to work everyday since I started back because of the unpredictability of her sleeping & waking & feeding schedule (or lack thereof) in the mornings.

However, I want to make sure I emphasize that Kyle and I feel very lucky with how things are going.  I may be late for work and we might not have eggs or meat in the fridge - but hey, we have a baby who is sleeping through the night, who does have a relatively consistent nap schedule, who doesn't have a problem switching from being nursed to bottle, who is generally pretty relaxed.  We are thankful for all of that and try not to take it for granted.  

I just think that, regardless of the temperment or details of your child's personality and routine - being a parent requires you to manage your time and priorities a little differently.  It's not bad.  It's just different.


Bobbi Sharp said...

I feel ya. We go from planning all these stops while we're out to "well, we don't really need it right now" just to satisfy her schedule and make our lives easier keeping her on track. The joys of parenthood.

Anonymous said...

That's such a good picture of Kyle and Abigail. The milk and bread will work out and Abigail will grow up wonderful.


Renee said...

Have you ever heard of Peapod- its a grocery delivery service. I have NO idea what the prices are like but my aunt loves them! I hate taking Jackson out when it is yucky!

jennybee said...

I'm in love with the new blog heading/pic. It's amazing how much personality and sweetness she packs into that tiny face.

Billie Jo said...

Sometimes I think getting one's PhD can have a similar impact on your life (e.g., irregular sleep schedule, going weeks without necessities, forgetting what life was like before)... ;-)

