Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yesterday was a bit tiring, but a good day.  I decided I needed some time to myself, so while I won't say it was completely relaxing - not down time - it was still nice.  Abs really isn't that difficult to run errands with, but there's something about the freedom of shopping alone that is just that much less stressful.  

So, I left Abs to get some good Daddy time and I went out a bargain hunting.  

My first stop was to pick up a new chair off CL.  Since we're moving Abby's glider into the new nursery, I wanted to find her a new reading chair.  I wasn't really sure what I wanted - I thought about getting her a new glider.  A lot of the chairs I liked were too big for the space, but then I saw this one and liked it.  It's only 4 months old and in really good condition.  I paid $40 for it - which is what I consider "on the 'spensive side" fits, it's clean, and it goes well with her room. 

sorry I don't have a better picture, all off my phone today.

After I picked up the chair (or, more accurately, the sellers did since they insisted on doing all the lifting for me, so I really just watched the chair get loaded into my car), I headed to Target.  Alone.  ((dreamy sigh))

I treated myself to a frappaccino...because, well, just because.  I may or may not have asked for extra caramel.  And when she asked me, "Would you like whipped cream?"  I just looked at her with that look that says "really?  I just asked for Extra caramel, do I look like I'm about to skip the whipped cream?"  She laughed, and my drink was delicious.

I'm never able to save as much as I'd like at Target, but today I didn't do too badly.  I had several coupons to use, found several things on sale, and ended up with around 50% savings.  I got Abs several new dishes that were on 75% clearance for super cheap, and I scored myself a couple of packages of these new dinner napkins - which I love....but love more for $2.50.

Then it was time to hit the grocery store.  I had a coupon for most things I bought, and I got a good bit of stuff.  I ended up saving more than I spent, which is always good.  While I was at the store, I noticed a few things on sale that weren't advertised, so when I got home, I prepped a new round of coupons. 

After Abs woke up from nap, she and I made a second grocery run.  I was able to get all pictured - plus 5 boxes of oatmeal that I forgot to include for $3.41.  Woot!

The water, tissue, and oatmeal were free.  The chips and brownies were around .20 - .25 each.

Now, normally, we don't buy bottled water or chips.  Some of those things will be donated along with some of my other pantry stockpiled items.  I love the idea of taking advantage of free (or really cheap) grocery deals and then donating the goods.  It's a win-win for everyone. 

So, if you combine the two different grocery runs, I spent $28 this week and saved $80.  And THAT is why we print coupons, people.  ;)

Time for me to go get this Sunday started.  Hope you have a good one. 

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