Thursday, February 17, 2011

when things work out

You know how sometimes, life makes things happen, and you sit back and think "well, that worked out well"  Like when that concert you want to attend happens to fall on a random Thursday holiday off work or when you need to call in sick but you got a snow day so you don't have to call in after all?  Or maybe when you find $4 in your coat pocket from last winter just as you pass a table of girl scouts selling cookies for $4 a box?  

Or like when you and your best friend are pregnant at the same time?

It's pretty cool.  :)

My friend Billie Jo and her husband are expecting their first little bundle o' joy in July.  To say that I'm excited about this is putting it all too mildly.  They made the public announcement not too long ago, so now it's safe to mention here. :)  These two are going to make the very best parents...and this child is already so blessed to have been entrusted to their little family.

But there is one memory that I want to record.  Billie Jo & Ricky currently live in Oregon.  Yes, that would be across the country from us.  Way too far.  They will be moving this summer (Yes, the same summer she's big and pregnant and having a baby) to Texas where they will be starting new careers - so at least then she'll be a *little* closer. But, for now, and for the past many years, we have taken up our places on opposite coasts.  

We were so fortunate to have them visit us in November.  It was a really great visit for many reasons.  But, one of those reasons?  Fate would have it that they would find out about the impending arrival of "baby-jo" on that trip.  So special.  Because that meant - when my Billie Jo found out she was going to be a mom, I got to hug her with a real hug when we would normally be 3000 miles apart.  And, for once, I didn't have to "wish I were there" because I was.  And I got to see, first hand, that all too familiar look of panic and joy on Ricky's face.  It was simply coincidence that things happened that way...or maybe it wasn't, I'll never know.  I'm just happy to have the memory.

We spent that day traipsing around Boston on what was an unseasonably warm and gorgeous day.  Again, it was all so fitting.  

So, I just wanted to document.  To say, publicly, that I'm very excited for our friends.  I can't wait to watch their journey as parents unfold.  That I feel blessed to have them in my life, and that I know this baby will feel the same (well, not as a teen of course, but the rest of the time. ;)  

Love you both...I mean, you three. Always always.

two mommys.


Billie Jo said...

I should know better than to read this at work. And you totally caused me to fall victim to my first "public" crying episode, which I firmly believe is a result of pregnancy hormones and has nothing to do with the fact that you are the best friend I could have ever asked for! ;-)

hannah said...

i love how you call her "my billie jo". so precious. that's what clint is in my cell phone. "my clint".

and billie jo, congratulations!! and ps. i think moving right before a baby comes is great. we moved 12 days before pratt was born. i packaged up boxes but didn't have to move a single box :) i just sat in a recliner and ordered everyone else around :)

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

I love that you guys get to do this together:) (and I'm not-so-secretly really jealous, too!)

