Friday, August 29, 2008


I don't know who will win the election.  I don't know every stance on every policy for either of our presidential candidates.  I don't think either candidate is perfect.  I think there are pros and cons to every situation.  And I look forward to learning more and hearing the debates in the coming months.  

However, regardless of how things turn out, I'm glad I was here tonight to hear Obama's speech.  

You don't have to like the guy or even vote for him.  But, I think the moment does deserve recognition for the weight it carries in our national history.  I'm proud to be here tonight.  I'm proud of how far we've cliche as that may sound.  I'm excited about the idea that my daughter may be born into a world that has overcome one more racial barrier.  We've elected Obama to be the democratic nominee.  It is important, and historic, me at least, exciting.  

What an amazing time to be involved.  And if you're should be.  Go educate yourself.  Ask questions, watch the debates, listen, doubt, play the skeptic, learn, grow.  Most of all, keep an open mind and make educated and informed decisions.  Don't listen to too much spin.  A little is long as you recognize it.  It matters too much to play a passive part.  Be a critical thinker.

So, I may not be wearing my flag pin around...but I'm proud to be a part of the voting community, and (again, as cliche as it may sound) I'm glad to live in, and to be bringing a child into, this country.  

