Friday, March 27, 2009

oh my...

In my last post - I went out on a limb to say how chill Abby is.  If you don't believe in jixing- maybe you should.  Our child has gone bonkers the last two mornings.  Basically, she's not sleeping the same and wakes up too early which means she goes down for her nap too early - which means she wakes up from her nap early and when this happens - she is just inconsolable.  
This all usually happens while I'm at work.  But today, Kyle gave me the play by play by sending me pictures.  No matter how much she cries and screams - you can't deny that this is pretty funny: 

Here is a picture of Abigail all ready for her nap.  She is swaddled, strapped down with a blanket and then covered with a quilt.  She has her sleep hat on and she's all ready for bed.

She starts crying and Kyle lets her cry it out for 15 mins before checking on her.  When he walks into the nursery, he finds her just like this:

it cracks me up!  She busted out of her swaddle- which is now wrapped around her neck, wiggled out from under the blanket, kicked off the quilt (and her sock), obviously didn't keep her hat on and is nearly laying on her tummy!  I also love how Kyle thought to take pictures of this before trying to help her out. :)  He said she just had this look on her face like "ugh. This really isn't what I had in mind either"

We don't really know why she goes bazerk sometimes, but I'm pretty sure that today it had something to do with what Kyle dressed her in:

Yes Abby, you are very strong.  Point taken. 


Billie Jo said...

Well, although she's chill (just like her parents) she also seems to have a bit of a strong will or stubbornness. Who knows where she got that from? ;-)

Anonymous said...

She was expressing her feelings at ouma and papa's departure!!!

Heather said...


P.S. where did you get your crib sheet? I love it too!

hannah said...

i LOVE this! i totally believe in jinxing. TOTALLY.

and i love that kyle took that picture before helping her. hilarious.

Lauren McKnight said...

That was so funny! Thanks for sharing. And the fact that she had that outfit on just made it even more so!

Wordweaver said...

As I recall, you were a bit of an escape and hide artist yourself! See my new effort at blogging:

Crabby Apple Seed: said...

Ok, I LOVE that picture! She looks like she wants to say, "What? I WANTED my shirt like this, I did it on PURPOSE! Now HELP ME!!!"

